Best Student Demo Award at the IEEE JC&S Symposium 2024 for ACES Lab Students

Ph.D. and Master Students of the Advanced Communications and Embedded Security (ACES) Lab at the LTI received the Best Student Demo Award at this year's IEEE Symposium on Joint Communication and Sensing in Leuven, Belgien, for there demonstration "A Digital Twinning Platform for Integrated Sensing, Communications and Robotics". This testbed was developed within the projekte 6G-life, 6G Future Lab Bavaria and NewCom und in cooperation with collegues from the ETH Zurich.
More information an pictures can be found here .Technical details to the presented testbed are contained in this pre-print at arXiv.
GLOBECOM 2023 Best Paper Award

The paper "Algorithmic Computability of the Capacity of Additive Colored Gaussian Noise Channels" is winner of the Best Paper Award from the Symposium "Communication Theory" on the Globecom 2023.
This paper is a joint work of Holger Boche and Andrea Grigorescu from the LTI in cooperation with Rafael Schaefer (TU Dresden) and Vincent Poor (Princeton University) and was supported by the projekt 6g-life of the BMBF.
The award ceremony took place in December 2023 at the IEEE Global Communications Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Holger Boche becomes "Fellow der ITG"

Holger Boche becomes Fellow of the "Informationstechnischen Gesellschaft (ITG)" in the "Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik (VDE)". He is now one of only 27 Fellows der ITG.
The award ceremony will take place on the 23th of November 2023 in the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science and Humanities in Berlin.
Pau Colomer wins the Jordi Porta i Jué-award

On April 22, 2023 the Institut d’Estudis Catalans and Societat Catalana de Física awarded the Jordi Porta i Jué prize to Pau Colomer for his master thesis "Quantengestützte Schätzung eines Modenparameters".
Each year, this prize honors the most important master theses in physics at a Catalan university.
Best-Paper Award for ACES Lab members at the IEEE JC&S Symposium

Vlad Andrei, Xinyang Li, Ullrich Mönich and Holger Boche from the Advanced Communications and Embedded Security (ACES) Lab of the LTI received the Best-Paper Award on the 2023 IEEE Symposium on Joint Communication and Sensing . The paper, entitled „Sensing-Assisted Receivers for Resilient-By-Design 6G MU-MIMO Uplink“ investigates receiver designs to improve resilience in future 6G networks. This paper is a result of the research in the projekts 6G-life and 6G Future Lab Bavaria .
Jonathan Huffmann receives the Hans-Pundt prize 2021 of the VDE Dresden

The master thesis, entitled "Kanonische Korrelationen und die Berechnung von Informationsmaßen für unendlichdimensionale Verteilungen", of our Ph.D. student Jonathan Huffmann was awarded the Hans-Pundt-prize 2021 of the VDE Dresden.
This work was written at the faculty of faculty of electrical and computer engineering of the Technischen Universität Dresden and supervised by Dr. Martin Mittelbach and Prof. Adolf Finger. An excerpt of this master thesis can be found on the side Hans-Pundt-Preis 2021 Diplomarbeit J.E.W. Huffman
Janis Nötzel received the Best Paper Award at the CITS 2020 for the paper "Entanglement-Enabled Communication"
![[Translate to en:] Urkunde: CITS 2020 Best Paper Award Janis Nötzel](/fileadmin/_processed_/3/4/csm_Janis_Noetzel_CITS_2020_Best_Paper_Award_332101b61f.webp)
Our research fellow and supervisor of the Emmy-Noether research group Theoretical Quantum System Design (TQSD) Janis Nötzel was awarded the Best Paper Award at the 2020 International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS2020), which took place from October 5 to 7, 2020. He received the award for his paper "Entanglement-Enabled Communication".
The 2020 International Conference on Computer, Information, and Telecommunication Systems, CITS 2020, is an international forum for scientists, engineers, and practitioners to present their latest research and development results in all areas of Computer, Information, and Telecommunication Systems, CITS.

Ezra Tampubolon received a Best Paper Student Award at SPAWC 2019
Our research assistant Ezra Tampubolon, M.Sc. received the Best Student Paper Award (List of the 6 Finalists) for the paper (joint work with Holger Boche) “On the Convergence of Online Mirror Ascent for Aggregative Games with Approximated Aggregates” at the 20th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) 2019, which took place in Cannes, France, from 2 to 5 July 2019.
As one of the flagship workshops of the IEEE Signal Processing Societ, the SPAWC 2019 presented a technical programme with high-calibre contributions in signal processing, statistical learning, communication theory, wireless networking, and more.
Authors Rafael F. Schaefer, Holger Boche and H. Vincent Poor have received the 2016 ITG Prize for best journal publications of 2015 in the field of information technology

Authors Rafael F. Schaefer, Holger Boche and H. Vincent Poor have received the 2016 ITG Prize for their work, "Secure Communication under Channel Uncertainty and Adversaria! Attacks"
The ITG board has assesed the work to be one of the best journal publications of 2015 in the field of information technology.
A certificate was be presented during a special event on the evening of November 29, 2016 at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Berlin, Germany
Press release (in German) 2016, 30 November - VDE ehrt Nachwuchswissenschaftler in der Informationstechnik
ERC Starting Grant for Sander Wahls
A Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) has been awarded to Sander Wahls, a former research assistant at our institute. ERC Starting Grants are designed to support excellent principal investigators at the stage in their career when they are starting their own independent research team or program.
More information can be found on the Homepage of TU Delft.
Vodafone Science and Engineering Incentive Award 2016 for Dr.-Ing. Mario Goldenbaum

This year’s Science and Engineering Incentive Award was presented to Dr.-Ing. Mario Goldenbaum for the development of a process for efficient data transmission. His technology makes it possible for several transmitters to communicate simultaneously with the same receiver and still deliver satisfactory results. It is more efficient, faster and saves more energy than all other technologies currently in use (Source: Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications).
Dr.-Ing. Sander Wahls erhält Johann-Philipp-Reis-Preis 2015

Den diesjährigen Johann Philipp Reis-Preis erhält der ehemalige wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter des Lehrstuhls LTI Dr.-Ing. Sander Wahls (TU Delft in den Niederlanden) für seine herausragenden Leistungen im Bereich Telekommunikation.
Eine Lösung für bessere Qualität in der Datenübertragung fand Dr.-Ing. Sander Wahls. Für seine Arbeit zur numerischen Berechnung der nichtlinearen Fouriertransformation erhielt er am 12.11.2015 in Friedrichsdorf den Johann-Philipp-Reis-Preis für herausragende, innovative Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der Nachrichtentechnik.
Die in der Telekommunikationsbranche renommierte Auszeichnung für Nachwuchswissenschaftler wird alle zwei Jahre vom VDE gemeinsam mit der Deutschen Telekom AG und den hessischen Städten Friedrichsdorf und Gelnhausen vergeben, in denen der Erfinder Reis lebte.

Mario Goldenbaum receives the ITG Prize 2014
Together with Sławomir Stańczak from Technische Universität Berlin, Mario Goldenbaum receives the ITG Prize 2014 for the journal publication "Robust Analog Function Computation via Wireless Multiple-Access Channels", published in the September issue of the 2013 IEEE Transactions on Communications. Since 1956, the ITG prize is awarded for outstanding scientific publications in the field of information technology.
The awarding ceremony took place on November 12, 2014 as part of the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the ITG at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Berlin.
Holger Boche was selected to be an Honorary Fellow and Member of the Institute for Advanced Study at the TU München (IAS Munich).
Rafael Schaefer receives Johann-Philipp-Reis Prize 2013

In recognition of this research, the Frankfurt-based Association for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies (VDE) has just awarded the prestigious Johann Philipp Reis Prize to Rafael Schaefer. The prize, named for the German inventor of the telephone, honors researchers under 40 for outstanding contributions to communications technology. Beginning in December 2013, Schaefer is continuing his work at Princeton University as a postdoctoral researcher with Vincent Poor, professor of electrical engineering and dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
Fanny Yang receives Best Student Paper Award at SampTA 2013

At the 10th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA) at the Jacobs University Bremen, our masters student Fanny Yang received the Best Student Paper Award for the paper "Phase retrieval via Structured Modulations in Paley-Wiener Spaces" which is joint work with Volker Pohl and Holger Boche. This year was the 10th anniversary of SampTA with many prominent contributors to sampling theory.
The international conference is one of the most important in the field and discusses recent advances in both theory and applications while encouraging the interdisciplinary dialogue between mathematicians, engineers and applied scientists.
Dr.-Ing. Ullrich Mönich receives the Rohde & Schwarz-Prize

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. rer. nat. Holger Boche,
Dr.-Ing. Ullrich Mönich und
Manfred Fleischmann (Manager Rohde & Schwarz)
Dr.-Ing. Ullrich Mönich receives the Rohde & Schwarz-Prize e for his dissertation "Reconstruction and Processing of Bandlimited Signals Based on Their Discrete Values".
The Rohde & Schwarz-Prize is awarded in recognition of an outstanding dissertation in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Technische Universität München.
Holger Boche was selected to be a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Holger Boche was chosen to be a member of the German National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech ).
Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften (acatech) press information: Elf Wissenschaftler als Mitglieder in die Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften gewählt (in German).