
Rafael Schaefer, Ashsh Khisti, Vincent Poor und Holger Boche publish at Cambridge University Press a new book "Information Theoretic Security and Privacy of Information Systems" The book is presented at the World Congress of Information Theory (IEEE International Symposium on…

Am Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2017, 13:15 Uhr  (Raum N4110) hält Mads Sielemann Jakobsen vom Institut für Mathematische Wissenschaften (NTNU - Norwegische Universität für Wissenschaft und Technologie) einen Gastvortrag zum Thema Ein Kernsatz für einen nicht-Nuklearen Banach Raum Der…

Quantum coding with finite resources The quantum capacity of a memoryless channel determines the maximal rate at which we can communicate reliably over asymptotically many uses of the channel. Here we illustrate that this asymptotic characterization is insufficient in practical…

Das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) beabsichtigt die Förderung der Erforschung und Entwicklung von Technologien für eine langreichweitige glasfaserbasierte Quantenkommunikation, die den Stand der Forschung und Technologie dem Einsatz in praxistauglichen…

Mathematical Foundations of Signal Analysis Prof. Hans. G. Feichtinger, NuHAG, Universität Wien Prof. Feichtinger, visiting professor at the LTI, is offering two courses in the coming semester. These courses will develop the mathematical foundations of signal and system theory…

ITG Prize 2016 Authors Rafael F. Schaefer, Holger Boche and H. Vincent Poor have received the 2016 ITG Prize for their work, "Secure Communication under Channel Uncertainty and Adversaria! Attacks". The ITG board has assesed the work to be one of the best journal publications…

On Friday, October 7, 2016, Dipl.-Phys. Gisbert Janßen will give a lecture titled "Quantum Protocols for Coherence and Security under Source Uncertainties" as part of his doctoral examination. The lecture is open to all members of the Technische Universität München community and…

The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded Sander Wahls, a former research assistant at our chair, a Starting Grant. ERC Starting Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are starting their own independent research…

In the festschrift "Mathematics in Society," stemming from the 7th European congress of Mathematics (7ECM), Holger Boche and Ezra Tampubolon have contributed the chapter "Mathematics of Signal Design in Communication Systems." The European Congress of Mathematics takes place…

This year’s Science and Engineering Incentive Award was presented to Dr Mario Goldenbaum for the development of a process for efficient data transmission. His technology makes it possible for several transmitters to communicate simultaneously with the same receiver and still…