H. Boche (TU München), A. Khisti (University of Toronto), H. V. Poor (Princeton University) und R.F. Schaefer (Princeton University)
Information Theoretic Approaches to Security & Privacy
Date of release: Juni 16, 2017 - ISBN 9781107132269
Rafael F. Schaefer (School of Engineering and Applied Science, Princeton University), Holger Boche, Ashish Khisti (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto) and H. Vincent Poor (School of Engineering and Applied Science, Princeton University) are editors of the book on “Information Theoretic Approaches to Security & Privacy” by Cambridge University Press.
This book aims to provide scientific insights into the emerging fields of Information Theoretic Approaches to Security & Privacy. Presenting contributions from prominent researchers in this area, the book will not only give an overview of the state-of-art research results but also build a strong foundation for designing future systems incorporating Information Theoretic Approaches to Security & Privacy.
The book will be organized in five parts which capture the applications described above:
- Fundamentals of ITASP
- Secure communication over noisy networks
- Secret key generation and authentication with applications to biometric systems
- Privacy in cyber-physical systems and on-line data repositories
- Standardization and practical implementation
The first part will introduce the concepts of information theoretic security and privacy and will develop a general theory for ITASP serving as the fundamental basis for the following parts.
The second part will deal with the "channel model", i.e., secure communication over noisy networks, including the fundamental limits (secrecy capacity), practical code design, signal processing strategies, etc.
The third part will deal with the "source model", i.e. secret key generation, including applications to wireless channels, authentication, biometric systems, and physical unclonable functions.
The fourth part will deal with secrecy and privacy related topics in cyber-physical systems such as smart grids or on-line data repositories.
Finally, the last part will give a short outlook on the current status of the practical implementation of the afore discussed concepts.