Foto von Sebastian Kerz

M.Sc. Sebastian Kerz

Technische Universität München

Lehrstuhl für Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik (Prof. Buss)


Theresienstr. 90
80333 München

Student Projects

We're always looking for motivated students. If you are interested in doing your Bachelor/Master-Thesis or related projects in the field of control and learning, feel free to send me an email and please attach a current transcript of records and a short CV.


Research Interests

Learning-based Control

Data-driven Stochastic MPC

Successfully implementing MPC schemes heavily relies on the accuracy of the underlying system model, which can be difficult to identify in general. We study the integration of direct data-driven control concepts into Stochastic MPC frameworks for the efficient control of unknown systems in uncertain environments. The control of power grids, building climate, and quadrocopter are a few potential fields of application of the proposed controller.


Short Biography

07/2019 - present Research Associate
Chair of Automatic Control Engineering (LSR),
Technical University Munich (TUM)
08/2017-12/2017 Graduate Student, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Toronto
10/2015-02/2019 Master of Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Focus: Automation Systems
Technische Unviersity Darmstadt
10/2011-06/2015 Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Focus: Automation Systems
Technische Unviersity Darmstadt