Courses of the Chair of Automatic Control Engineering (LSR)
Winter term 2024/25
Course no. | Title | Dates | Duration | Type | Lecturer (assistant) |
0000001861 | Advanced Robotic Perception |
2 | VO | |
0000002455 | Advisor Advanced Training |
8 | TT | |
0000005837 | Advisor Training |
7.5 | TT | |
0000005836 | Advisor Tutorial |
2 | TT | |
220062415 | Colloquium Continuous and Discrete Control Systems |
2 | KO | |
0000002371 | Control and Automation Laboratory |
4 | PR | |
0000000177 | Dynamic Systems |
4 | VI | |
0000001876 | Introduction to Autonomous Systems |
2 | VO | |
0000002419 | Introduction to Autonomous Systems (Practice) |
2 | PR | |
0000005743 | Optimal Control and Decision Making |
4 | VI | |
0220027765 | Project Laboratory Cognitive Robotics and Control |
4 | FO | |
0000003621 | Scientific Writing and Presentation |
0.25 | VO | |
0000000192 | Seminar Robotics, Automation and Control |
2 | HS | |
220093504 | Seminar Systems and Control |
1 | SE |
Courses of the Chair of Information-oriented Control (ITR)
Winter term 2024/25
Course no. | Title | Dates | Duration | Type | Lecturer (assistant) |
0000000288 | Advanced Seminar Networked Systems and Control |
2 | HS | |
0000004152 | Advanced nonlinear control |
2 | VO | |
0000004696 | Colloquium Information Oriented Control |
2 | KO | |
0000002436 | Control Systems 2 |
4 | VI | |
0249963156 | Introduction to Robot Control |
4 | VI | |
0000000289 | Project Laboratory Networked and Cooperative Control |
4 | FO | |
0000002561 | Robot Control Laboratory |
3 | PR | |
0000004697 | Seminar Information Oriented Control |
1 | SE |
Information on Project Laboratory at LSR
This course offers an opportunity for students to partake in a collaborative project in topics related to control engineering and robotics. Students work in groups of three and are supervised by one of our research associates. Students interested in enrolling are encouraged to initiate contact with a research associate whose topic aligns with their academic interests (see individual pages at When contacting a research associate, preferably already as a group of three, students should provide a brief motivational statement outlining their interest. We are also open to concrete topic proposals that fit the expertise and research direction of our team. Additional information like a CV or transcript of records may help us tailor a topic to your skills and expertise.
General information on examination regulations, results etc. can be found on the TUM website Examinations - TUM.
More specific information on the examinations at TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology (CIT) can be found here: Electrical & Computer Engineering - Examinations - TUM - TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology