
Registration for all lectures and courses will open two weeks before the semester start.

We would like to thank you for your interest and your participation in the ITR and LSR lab tour on July 4th, 2023!

The lecture "Adaptive Control" will not be offered this summer semester. The lecture is being restructured and will be offered again next summer semester.

The lecture "Computational Intelligence" will take place again this summer semester. It will be held by PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Marion Leibold. The lecture will be offered every summer semester but not in winter semester.

The lecture "Optimization for Control Engineering" will not take place this summer semester.

Our research assistants give an overview of their research areas in teaser videos. The videos are available under the following Panopto link: LSR: ITR:…

The lecture "Computational Intelligence" will be offered again in summer semester 2023.

Also student assistants ("Studierende mit wissenschaftlichen Hilfstätigkeiten" and "wissenschaftliche Hilfskräfte") are entitled to the so-called Energiepreispauschale (EPP) of €300. You can find more information on the website of the Federal Ministry of Finance: Bundesfinanzministerium - FAQs…

Mr Yongchao Wang's PhD defense took place on November 17th, 2022. Mr Wang wrote his thesis on the topic "Incremental Optimal Control for Robot Manipulators: A Robust and Optimal Control Framework". We congratulate him on successfully passing the exam!

On November 8th, 2022 Mr Cong Li successfully defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Towards Safe Learning Control under Uncertainty with Guaranteed Performance". Congratulations!