
Lecture "Scientific Writing and Presentation" for preparation of BA thesis

The lecture "Scientific Writing and Presentation" is a one-time, 1.5-hour event that bachelor's students can take voluntarily in preparation for their bachelor's thesis. The aim of the event is to optimally prepare students for planning, writing and presenting their bachelor's thesis. The event is offered twice during the lecture period. Students who are interested can register for this one-off course via TUMonline under the module “EI1000 Bachelor Thesis” and thereby receive access to the Moodle documents. The event usually takes place in person with online transmission.

The next dates are:

  •  May 22nd, 2024 
  • July 10th, 2024

     from 4:45 pm until 6:15 pm in N1189

Nähere Informationen zur Bachelorarbeit finden Sie hier und in der Modulbeschreibung.