
The advisor Finale 2024 took place on June 24th. This years' task for the advisees was to build an autonomous robot that can transport a small ball to the center of a labyrinth as quickly as possible.  Many thanks to all participants and organisers of this successful event!

Since May 1, 2024 Mr. M.Sc. Christopher Narr is part of the LSR team. On June 15, 2024, Mr. M.Sc. Zekun Xing will join. We heartily welcome both new team members!

On May 28, 2024 Mr. Khoi Hoang Dinh successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations!

The lecture "Scientific Writing and Presentation" is a one-time, 1.5-hour event that bachelor's students can take voluntarily in preparation for their bachelor's thesis. The aim of the event is to optimally prepare students for planning, writing and presenting their bachelor's thesis. The event is…

This course offers an opportunity for students to partake in a collaborative project in topics related to control engineering and robotics. Students work in groups of three and are supervised by one of our research associates. Students interested in enrolling are encouraged to initiate contact with…

The LSR courses are now published. You can peruse them on TUMonline or here.

As usual, we will offer a joint ITR/LSR lab tour for interested students this winter semester. It will take place on Feb 5th, 2024, starting at 1:15 pm in lecture hall N1189. Presentations will take place from 1:30 pm until 2:45 pm at the Chair of Information-Oriented Control (ITR), Barerstr. 21.,…

Our 4th lecture in the 'Lecture Series Scientific Working' about "Review, Rebuttal, Revision" will be presented by Prof. Hirche next Tuesday (19.12.2023). Please note that the room has changed. The details are the following: Review, Rebuttal, Revision Lecture on December 19th at 13:15 (Seminarraum…

We offer a series of presentations in lecture style that allow that you acquire soft skills for scientific working. All lectures are open to all students that do projects at LSR and ITR. They are in particular and strongly recommended for students that do their Project Lab (PP), Seminar, the course…

On October 17th, 2023 Mr. Tong Liu successfully obtained his PhD title. The topic of his dissertation is "Constrained Adaptive Control of Uncertain Switched Systems". Congratulations!