I am forever grateful to all the amazing people who continuously influence and help shape my path on the personal and professional levels. Acknowledging everyone by name would require much more than a webpage. Hence, I will restrict to providing a non-exhaustive list of people with whom I have worked and scientifically collaborated within the past few years.
Prof. Salim El Rouayheb, PhD supervisor, Rutgers University, New Jersey
Prof. Deniz Gündüz, Habilitation supervisor, Imperial College London
Prof. Sidharth Jaggi, Habilitation supervisor, Bristol University
Prof. Antonia Wachter-Zeh, Habilitation supervisor and Post-doc supervisor, Technical University of Munich
Dr. Venkat Dasari, US Army Research Lab
Mr. Maximilian Egger, Technical University of Munich
Dr. Serge Kas Hanna, Aalto University
Mr. Christoph Hofmeister, Technical University of Munich
Dr. Yasaman Keshtkarjahromi, Seagate Technology
Dr. Andreas Lenz, formerly at the Technical University of Munich
Mr. Sijie Li, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mr. Luis Maßny, Technical University of Munich
Prof. Parimal Parag, Indian Institute of Science
Dr. Nikita Polianskii, IOTA Foundation
Prof. Netanel Raviv, Washington University
Prof. Hulya Seferoglu, University of Illinois at Chicago
Mr. Evagoras Styliano, Technical University of Munich
Dr. Ilya Vorobyev, Technical University of Munich
Mr. Lorenz Welter, Technical University of Munich
Prof. Mary Wootters, Stanford University
Mr. Marvin Xhemrishi, Techinical University of Munich
Dr. Yuxuan Xing, University of Illinois at Chicago
Dr. Yihan Zhang, Institute of Science and Technology