Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Hanik
Technical University of Munich
Associate Professorship of Line Transmission Technology (Prof. Hanik)
Postal address
Theresienstr. 90
80333 München
- Phone: +49 (89) 289 - 23475
- Room: 0104.03.413
Norbert Hanik heads the "Wireline Transmission Technology" group at TUM. He received the Dipl.-Ing. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Technische Universität München (TUM) with a thesis on digital spread spectrum systems in 1989. From 1989 to 1995 he was a research associate at the Institute for Communications Engineering, TUM, where he worked in the field of Optical Communications. In 1995 he received the Dr.-Ing. degree with a thesis on non-linear effects in optical transmission.
From 1995 to 2004, Prof. Hanik was with the research center of Deutsche Telekom, heading the research group "System Concepts of Photonic Networks". From January to March 2002 he held a guest professorship at the Department of Photonics Engineering (DTU Fotonic) at the Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen. He has contributed to a multitude of Telekom-internal, national, and international R&D-projects, both as a scientist and project leader.
As of April 2004, Prof. Hanik holds an Associate Professorship at TUM. Applying methods of communications engineering, information theory and signal processing, he works on increasing transmission rates, reach and flexibility of fiber-optic communication systems.
- Leitungsgebundene Übertragungstechnik
- Optical Communication Systems
- Simulation of Optical Communication Systems Laboratory
- Hauptseminar Digitale Kommunikationssysteme
- Grundlagen der Informationstechnik (LB)
- Nachrichtentechnik I - Signaldarstellung (LB)
- Nachrichtentechnik II - Modulationsverfahren (LB)
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Optical Communication Systems
Our modern, information-based world would not be conceivable without the
tremendous achievements in optical communications over Single Mode Fibers of the last three decades. Transmission rates over one Single Mode Fiber in the range of Multi-Terabits/s are state of the art, transpacific transmission distances without electronic data regeneration over more than 9000 km have been realized. Nevertheless, the ever increasing demand for bandwidth requires continuing extension of the transmission capacity of optical communication systems.
With this motivation a multitude of research projects are carried out in our group in the fields of:
- Physical modeling and numerical simulation of optical communication systems
- Investigation into advanced optical modulation and coding schemes
- Optimization of the physical link-design including all relevant interacting linear and nonlinear effects
- Optimization of electronic predistortion and equalization methods
- Information-theoretical evaluation of the channel-capacity of optical fibers
- Modeling and optimization of new optical transmission media (multicore fibers, few-mode fibers, hollow-core fibers)
Short reach communications over Polymer Optical Fiber or copper
For inhouse-communication or data-transfer in planes or vehicles, Polymer Optical Fibers are an efficient alternative to copper, or silica fibers. However, the polymer optical channel needs special treatment due to the high amount of modes (more than one million) propagating in the large POF-core. Data transmission over POF is optical, using visible light as data carrier. In contrast to that, traditional copper wires are mainly operated in baseband, or with moderate carrier-frequencies in the MHz-range. It is obvious that channel modeling for these channels differs fundamentally, just as the methods to maximize data throughput and reach.
In this context our group carries our research in the fields of:
- Modeling and simulation of components and systems
- Optimization
- Realization of demonstrators using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs)
The predominant part of our research is third-party funded. Our sponsors are, e. g. the German Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), the European Union, and industrial partners. You can learn more about ongoing research projects on the web-pages of my co-workers.
- BR Podcast mit Prof. Norbert Hanik: Unterseekabel - Lebensadern der Informationsgesellschaft
- SZ Artikel mit Prof. Norbert Hanik: So werden Unterseekabel repariert
- SRF Podcast mit Prof. Norbert Hanik: Was hat eine Googlesuche mit dem Vulkanausbruch vor Tonga zu tun?