Picture of Andreas Straßhofer

M.Sc. Andreas Straßhofer

Technical University of Munich

Chair of Communications Engineering (Prof. Kramer)

Postal address

Theresienstr. 90
80333 München


  • Doctoral student at the Chair of Communications Engineering (since November 2022)
  • M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (October 2022)
  • Exchange semester at Kyoto University (Summer semester 2020)
  • B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (October 2020)


SS2023: Channel Codes for Iterative Decoding

WS2023/24: Information Theory, Basic Laboratory Course on Telecommunications, Communications Laboratory

SS2024: Channel Codes for Iterative Decoding, Basic Laboratory Course on Telecommunications

Theses in Progress

Efficient Decoding of Tailbiting Convolutional Codes


The aim of this thesis is to study decoding of tailbiting convolutional codes, a class of codes suited for short blocklengths. We address their efficient decoding as well as applications to communication systems with feedback.


Andreas Straßhofer

Decoder Design for Precoded Polar Product Codes


The aim of this thesis is to enhance decoding algorithms for precoded polar product codes. We make use of successive cancellation list (SCL) decoding to generate reliability information and scale it based on the maximization of generalized mutual information.


Andreas Straßhofer



  • Straßhofer, Andreas: Density Evolution of Chase-Pyndiah Decoding. 20th Joint Workshop on Communications and Coding, 2023 more…
  • Straßhofer, Andreas; Lentner, Diego; Liva, Gianluigi; Graell i Amat, Alexandre: Soft-Information Post-Processing for Chase-Pyndiah Decoding Based on Generalized Mutual Information. International Symposium on Topics in Coding, 2023 more…