Honors and Awards

| Awards

Teaching Award for Anisha Banerjee and Lukas Holzbaur

Every year, the student council of the TUM Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering awards prizes to lecturers who went above and beyond their duty as teachers and excelled at their work. This year, Anisha Banerjee and Lukas Holzbaur will receive the Teaching Assistant Award at the "Tag der Fakultät" on September 30th for giving the tutorials of our Channel Coding course. Link: https://www.fs.ei.tum.de/services/dozentenpreis

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Fulbright Foreign Scholarship for Emna Ben Yacoub

Emna Ben Yacoub is the recipient of a 2022-23 Fulbright Foreign Scholarship. The Fulbright Foreign Student Program enables graduate students, young professionals and artists from abroad to study and conduct research in the United States. Emna will be visiting Prof. Bane Vasić at the University of Arizona to work on decoding algorithms, trapping sets, and neural network decoders.

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Violetta Weger awarded EuroTech Postdoc fellowship

Violetta Weger was awarded the prestigious EuroTechPostdoc2 fellowship. EuroTechPostdoc2 is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship programme for experienced high-potential researchers. The projects are collaborative projects between two universities. Violetta's host will be TUM and her co-host where she will spend some months is Prof. Alberto Ravagnani from TU/e. Her project will deal with code-based cryptography and rank-metric codes.

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Prof. Dr. Ralf Kötter Memorial Award for Constantin Runge

Constantin Runge is the recipient of the 2022 Prof. Dr. Ralf Kötter Memorial Award for his outstanding Master thesis entitled "Higher-Order Polar-Coded Modulation for Asymmetric Channels”. The award, endowed with 500 Euros, is named after the TUM Chair of Communications Engineering Ralf Kötter, who died in 2009.

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MCQST Seed Funding for Uzi Pereg

Uzi Pereg has been awarded Seed Funding by the Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST) for his project "Transmitter Interaction in Quantum Communication Networks" in the amount of 35,000 EUR for 6 months. The MCQST established the seed funding program to trigger and support exceptional and often unorthodox emergent ideas within, and between, its Research Units.

| Awards

IEEE Information Theory Society Goldsmith Lecturer Award for Shirin Saeedi Bidokhti

Shirin Saeedi Bidokhti is the recipient of the 2022 Goldsmith Lecturer Award of the IEEE Information Theory Society. Shirin was a postdoctoral fellow at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) from 2012-2016. She is currently Assistant Professor at the University of Pennsylvania.

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VDE Johann Philipp Reis Award for Onur Günlü

Onur Günlü is the recipient of the 2021 Johann Philipp Reis Award of the Information Technology Society (ITG) of the German Association of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Information Technology (VDE). He is currently Research Group Leader at the University of Siegen. He completed his Dr.-Ing. degree at the Technical University of Munich in 2018.

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IEEE Information Theory Society Aaron D. Wyner Distinguished Service Award for Gerhard Kramer

Gerhard Kramer is the recipient of the 2021 IEEE Information Theory Society Aaron D. Wyner Distinguished Service Award. The award honors an individual who has shown outstanding leadership in, and provided long-standing, exceptional service to, the information theory community.

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Walter Gademann Award for Anisha Banerjee

Anisha Banerjee will be awarded the Walter Gademann Master’s Thesis Award of the TUM Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) for her outstanding Master's thesis.

| Awards

Antonia Wachter-Zeh appointed Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory

Since April 1st, Antonia Wachter-Zeh is an Associate Editor for Coding Theory for the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Her appointment is for 3 years. The IEEE Transactions on Information Theory publishes papers concerned with the transmission, processing, and utilization of information.  Link: https://ieeeittrans.ee.technion.ac.il/