Interactive Relay Assisted Source Coding
Farideh Rezagah
Polytechnic School of Engineering
New York University
The talk considers a source coding problem in which two terminals communicate through a relay and wish to estimate each other's source sequence within some distortion constraint. The relay has access to side information that is correlated with the sources. Two different schemes are proposed that are based on the order of communication, distributed source coding/delivery and two cascaded rounds. Inner and outer bounds for the resulting rate-distortion regions are provided. Examples are provided to show that neither rate-distortion region includes the other one.
Farideh Rezagah received her B.Sc. degree from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran in 2010 with specialization in telecommunications. Since September 2010, she is a PhD candidate at New York University Polytechnic school of Engineering, under the supervision of Elza Erkip. Her research interests include single and multi-hop interactive function computation, reconstruction constraints, and more recently the connection between lossy compression and compressed sensing. More information about her can be found at