Prof. Felix Ulmer (December 05, 2017 at 2:00 PM, LNT Library N2405)

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On December 05, 2017 at 2:00 PM, Prof. Felix Ulmer from University of Rennes 1 will be giving a talk in the LNT Library N2405 about "Skew Reed Muller Codes".

Skew Reed Muller Codes

Prof. Felix Ulmer

University of Rennes 1


Skew Reed Muller codes
(Joint work with Willi Geiselmann)

We extend the classical Reed Muller codes by using non commutative iterated skew polynomial rings instead of classical commutative polynomial rings. This involves the construction of iterated skew polynomial rings and the definition of the notion of points and evaluation at those points for iterated skew polynomials.
