2017 Munich Workshop on Coding and Applications (MWCA)
The COD group of TUM is organizing the 2017 Munich Workshop on Coding and Applications (MWCA 2017) on July 3, 2017. The workshop consists of invited talks in the area of coding theory and its applications, e.g., for distributed data storage and network coding, and a poster session.
We look forward to seeing you in Munich!
Antonia Wachter-Zeh, Vladimir Sidorenko
Topics of interest
- Coding theory
- Coding for storage
- Coding for memories
- Network coding
Confirmed Invited Speakers
- Alexander Barg (University of Maryland, USA)
- Ilya Dumer (University of California Riverside, USA)
- Tuvi Etzion (Technion, Israel)
- Grigory Kabatiansky (IITP Moscow, Russia)
- Olgica Milenkovic (University of Illinois, USA)
- Joachim Rosenthal (Unversity of Zurich, Switzerland)
- Itzhak Tamo (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
- Eitan Yaakobi (Technion, Israel)
Confirmed Participants
- Alexander Barg (University of Maryland, USA)
- Ilya Dumer (University of California Riverside, USA)
- Tuvi Etzion, Eitan Yaakobi (Technion, Israel)
- Netanel Raviv (Ben-Gurion University & Technion, Israel)
- Alexey Frolov, Grigory Kabatiansky, Stanislav Kruglik (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology & IITP RAS, Russia)
- Olgica Milenkovic, Hoang Dau (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
- Joachim Rosenthal (Unversity of Zurich, Switzerland)
- Julia Lieb (University of Würzburg)
- Itzhak Tamo (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
- Rana Ali Amjad, Hannes Bartz, Georg Böcherer, Delcho Donev, Bernhard Geiger, Onur Günlü, Joachim Hagenauer, Lukas Holzbaur, Gerhard Kramer, Andreas Lenz, Ha Nguyen, Marcin Pikus, Patrick Schulte, Fabian Steiner, Vladimir Sidorenko, Amir Hossein Rezaei Tabar, Diego Vargas Romero, Antonia Wachter-Zeh (TUM)
- Martin Bossert, Sven Müelich, Sven Puchinger, Michael Schelling (Ulm University)
- Daniel Augot, Julien Lavauzelle (École polytechnique and INRIA Saclay, France)
- Christoph Günther, Gianluigi Liva, Francisco Lázaro, Balazs Matuz, Sandro Scalise, Thomas Jerkovits, Mustafa Cemil Coskun, Federico Clazzer (DLR)
- Ryan Gabrys (Spawar Systems Center, USA and UIUC, USA)
- Alexandre Graell i Amat (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
- Jaco Versfeld (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa)
- Stephan ten Brink, Sebastian Cammerer, Mostafa Ebada, Ahmed Elkelesh (University of Stuttgart)
- Salim El Rouayheb, Rawad Bitar, Serge Kas Hanna (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA)
- Helmut Grießer (ADVA Optical Networking)
- Ana Cristina De Aragao Koestenberger (FAU Erlangen)
- Francisco M. de Assis (Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Brazil)
- Sarah Johnson (University of Newcastle, Australia)
- Mahyar Shirvanimoghaddam (University of Sydney, Australia)
- Anoosheh Heidarzadeh (Texas A&M University, USA)
- Birenjith Sasidharan (Indian Institute of Science Bangalore)
- Daniel Costello (University of Notre Dame, USA)
- Mehdi Dabirnia, Sina Rezaei Aghdam (Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey)
- Christian Franck, Ulrich Sorger (University of Luxembourg)
- Wai Ho Mow (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
- Amin Aminzadeh Gohari (Sharif University, Iran)
- Elena Egorova (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech), Moscow, Russia)
- Paolo A. Vettori (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
- Yury Polyanskiy (MIT, USA)
Registration is free, but if you intend to come, please send a mail to mwca2017@lnt.ei.tum.de.
The deadline for registrations is June 1.
Poster presentations
There will be a poster session in the afternoon. If you are interested in presenting a poster, please send an email to mwca2017@lnt.ei.tum.de with a preliminary title.
The deadline for poster registrations is June 1.
(Formatting requirements: DIN A0, portrait)
The following posters will be presented:
- Francisco M. de Assis (Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Brazil):
"List Decoding for Algebraic Geometric Codes based on F.K. Schmidt Curves" - Rawad Bitar (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA):
"Staircase Codes for Secure Distributed Computing" - Elena Egorova (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech), Moscow, Russia):
"On Lower Bounds for Binary t-Identifiable Parent-Property-Sets codes" - Christian Franck, Ulrich Sorger, (University of Luxembourg)
"Mapping Combinational Circuits to Homogenous Trellis-Constrained Codes" - Stanislav Kruglik, Alexey Frolov (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology & IITP RAS):
"On One Generalization of Locally Recoverable Codes with Availability" - Ryan Gabrys (Spawar Systems Center, USA and UIUC, USA):
"Reconciling Similar Sets of Data" - Onur Günlü (TUM):
"Lightweight Code-based Quantizer and Transform Design for Security and Privacy" - Anoosheh Heidarzadeh (Texas A&M University, USA):
"Towards a Proof of the GM-MDS Conjecture" - Thomas Jerkovits (DLR):
"Improving the Iterative Decoding Threshold for Tail-Biting Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes" - Serge Kas Hanna (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA):
"Correcting Localized Deletions Using Guess & Check Codes" - Julien Lavauzelle (École polytechnique and INRIA Saclay):
"Private Information Retrieval Protocols with Codes based on Transversal Designs" - Andreas Lenz (TUM):
"On Codes Correcting Tandem and Palindromic Duplication Errors" - Julia Lieb (University of Würzburg)
"Probability Estimates for Linear Systems and Convolutional Codes" - Alireza Sheikh, Alexandre Graell i Amat, Gianluigi Liva (DLR):
"Probabilistically-Shaped Coded Modulation with Hard Decision Decoding for Coherent Optical Systems" - Wai Ho Mow (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology):
"Non-Binary Index Assignment for Scalar Quantizers" - Sven Müelich, Michael Schelling (Ulm University):
"Generalized Plotkin Construction with Application to Physical Unclonable Functions"" - Sven Puchinger (Ulm University):
"Twisted Reed-Solomon and Gabidulin Codes" - Netanel Raviv (Ben-Gurion University & Technion, Israel):
"Coded Gradient Computation from Cyclic MDS Codes and Expander Graphs" - Moustafa Ebada, Ahmed Elkelesh, Sebastian Cammerer and Stephan ten Brink (University of Stuttgart, Germany):
"Scattered EXIT Charts for Short Length Codes" - D. Napp, R. Pinto, and P. Vettori (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
"Decoding Strategy for a Class of MRD Rank Metric Convolutional Codes"
09:00 Welcome: Antonia Wachter-Zeh, Vladimir Sidorenko
Session 1 (Chair: Vladimir Sidorenko)
09:15–09:45 Invited Talk: Alexander Barg (University of Maryland, USA):
"Construction of MDS Array Codes with Nearly Optimal Sub-Packetization"
09:45–10:15 Invited Talk: Hoang Dau and Olgica Milenkovic (University of Illinois, USA):
"Access-Balanced Distributed Storage Codes via MaxMin Sum Steiner Triple Systems"
10:15–10:45 Invited Talk: Ilya Dumer (University of California Riverside, USA):
“Arikan’s Polarization: a Simplified Geometric Description”
10:45–11:30 Coffee Break
Session 2 (Chair: Antonia Wachter-Zeh)
11:30–12:00 Invited Talk: Eitan Yaakobi (Technion, Israel):
"Mutually Uncorrelated Codes for DNA Storage"
12:00–12:30 Invited Talk: Joachim Rosenthal (Unversity of Zurich, Switzerland):
"Hiding Distinguishers in Code Based Cryptography"
12:30–14:15 Lunch Break
Session 3 (Chair: Daniel Augot)
14:15–14:45 Invited Talk: Tuvi Etzion (Technion, Israel):
"Thermal-Management Coding for High Performance Interconnects"
14:45–15:15 Invited Talk: Grigory Kabatiansky (IITP Moscow, Russia):
"Multimedia Fingerprinting Codes as Codes for Multiple-Access Channels"
15:15–15:45 Invited Talk: Itzhak Tamo (Tel Aviv University, Israel):
"Optimal Repair of RS codes: Achieving the Cut-Set Bound"
15:45–17:15 Coffee Break & Poster Session
17:30 We leave together to the beergarden (by bus to Chinesischer Turm)
Hotel Recommendations
Recommended hotels:
- Metro map Munich.
- Airport to Hotel Königswache: use S8 to Herrsching. Get off at Hauptbahnhof and take the U2 to Feldmoching. Get off at Theresienstraße and walk to Hotel Königswache. We recommend the Airport-City-Day-Ticket since it allows you to use the public transport in Munich during the whole day.
- You can also walk from Hauptbahnhof to Hotel Königswache.
- Walk from Hotel Königswache to the Institute for Communications Engineering.
- At the Institute for Communications Engineering, take the elevator or stairs to the 2nd floor. The talks will be given in the seminar room N2408.
- Bus ride from the Institute for Communications Engineering to the beergarden Chinesischer Turm (bus number 154 from station "Luisenstr." in Schellingstr.)
Further information
- Contact: mwca2017@lnt.ei.tum.de
Supported by