Welcome to the
Chair of Media Technology

You have reached the web pages of the Chair of Media Technology at Technische Universität München (TUM). Our research and teaching activities cover the broad area of multimedia and multimodal signal and information processing, multimedia communications, as well as 3D image analysis and synthesis.

The Chair of Media Technology (LMT) is member of the competence centers Communication and Robotics, Autonomy and Interaction. Together with the Chair of Communication Networks (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Kellerer), we form a research and teaching unit.


Course Name Sem. Lang. Course of Studies
Digital Signal Processing WS/SS en MSEI, MSCE
Medientechnik WS de BSEI,IN,BWL
Image and Video Compression SS en MSEI,IN,BWL

Lab courses

Course Name Sem. Lang. Course of Studies
Software Engineering Lab WS/SS de/en BSEI
Project Lab Human Activity Understanding SS en MSEI, MSCE
Projektpraktikum Multimedia WS de BSEI
Image and Video Compression Laboratory WS/SS en MSEI,MSCE,IN
Computational Haptics Laboratory SS en MSEI,MSCE
Tactile Internet Laboratory WS en MSEI
Industry 4.0 Laboratory (not in SS22) SS de/en BSEI


Course Name Sem. Lang. Course of Studies
Media Technology Scientific Seminar WS/SS de/en MSEI
Seminar on Topics in Signal Processing WS en MSCE
Doctoral Seminar Media Technology WS/SS de/en  
Research Seminar Media Technology WS/SS de/en