Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
M.Sc. Alexander Wietfeld
Chair of Communication Networks (Prof. Kellerer)
Postal address
Arcisstr. 21
80333 München
- Phone: +49 (89) 289 - 23262
- Room: 0509.02.913
- alexander.wietfeld@tum.de
Alexander Wietfeld studied Electrical Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Engineering at RWTH Aachen and Imperial College London and received a Bachelor degree in April 2021 as well as a Master degree with a focus on Communication Engineering from RWTH Aachen in January 2023. The master thesis was conducted on the topic of hybrid beamforming techniques in multi-cell millimeter-wave cellular networks. In February 2023, he joined the Chair of Communication Networks, where he is pursuing his PhD.
His research is focused on the field of molecular communication networks in the context of the 6G-life project. Molecular communication networks represent a revolutionary new communication paradigm envisioned to enable novel medical and biological applications in an "internet of bio-nano things".