Master's Theses
RTT-guided Route Servers at IXPs
Problem: BGP is performance-agnostic
Solution: incorporate a delay-related metric into the best-path selection process.
Approach: Estimate the round-trip prop_delay to destinations (/24s) within the routing table of the IXP
Goal: Evaluate if it is possible to outperform BGP’s route selection criterion, in terms of latency, with a measurement-based approach.
Research Internships (Forschungspraxis)
Temporal Graph Learning for IP-level NTMA
tgl, gnn, ntma
Evaluation of how current tools for temporal graph learning (TGL) can be used in IP-level network traffic monitoring and analysis.
Analyzing traffic in today's communication networks becomes more and more complex due to the increasing heterogeneity of networked devices and general rising traffic volumes.
In this context, data-driven methods can facilitate a deep understanding of the inherent dynamics needed to operate such networks efficiently.
Because network-related data is often naturally represented in graph form, this Internship specifically seeks to evaluate how methods from the Pytorch library for temporal graph learning, "PyTorch Geometric Temporal," can be applied to IP-to-IP level data.
Goal is to among others to predict:
- IP-node activity over time
- IP-to-IP level communications (e.g. number of packets) over time
- Set up a working ML pipeline.
- Fine-tune models / try different models.
- Identify promising directions and limitations
- Conclude what needs to be done/tried in the future.
- knowledge in python
- basic knowledge in ML
- basic knowledge about IP networks