Master's Theses
End-to-End Scheduling in Large-Scale Deterministic Networks
TSN, Scheduling, Industrial Networks
TSN, Scheduling, Industrial Networks
Short Description:
To evaluate APS in TSN Networks
To evaluate APS in TSN Networks
Providing Quality of Service (QoS) to emerging time-sensitive applications such as factory automation, telesurgery, and VR/AR applications is a challenging task [1]. Time Sensitive Networks (TSN) [2] and Deterministic Networks [3] were developed for such applications to guarantee ultra low latency, bounded latency and jitter, and zero congestion loss. The objective of this work is to develop a methodology to guarantee bounded End-to-End (E2E) latency and jitter in large-scale networks.
C++, Expeience with OMNET++, KNowledge of TSN.
Yash Deshpande,Philip Diederich - Dr Siyu Tang (Huawei Technologies)