Scientific Staff
M.Sc. Philip Diederich
Chair of Communication Networks (Prof. Kellerer)
Postal address
Arcisstr. 21
80333 München
- Phone: +49 (89) 289 - 25810
- Room: 0504.EG.400
Philip Diederich obtained his Bachelor in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2019 from Technical University Munich (TUM). He continued at TUM and graduated as Master of Science in 2021. In November 2021, Philip joined the Chair of Communication Networks as research and teaching associate.
In his research Philip investigates the behaviour of real-time networks in different scenarios. Such scenarios include the effects of network topologies on the performance of real-time networks.
His main interests include:
- Real-Time Networking in all type of networks (Data Center Networks, Industrial Networks, Wide Area Networks)
- Real-Time Networks with hard and soft real-time guarantees
- Software Defined Networks
- Combination of Real-Time Networks with Best-Effort Networks