Course Name | Sem. | Language | Course of Studies |
Kommunikationsnetze | WS | de | BSEI,LB,BWL |
Data Networking | WS | en | MSEI,MSCE,LB |
Internetkommunikation (not offered in SoSe 2024) | SS | de | BSEI,LB,BWL |
Analysis, Modeling and Simulation of Communication Networks | SS | en | MSEI,MSCE |
Techno-Economic Analysis of Telecommunication Networks (temporary not offered) | WS | en | MSEI,MSCE,BWL |
Optical Networks (now in WS) | WS | en | MSEI,MSCE |
Communication Network Reliability | SS | en | MSEI,MSCE |
Network Planning | WS | en | MSEI,MSCE |
Communication Networks Modeling and Optimization | SS | en | MSEI, MSCE |