
At the beginning (Kick-Off) and at the end after having finished the writing of your thesis and sometimes at mid term you give a presentation. Please arrange date and time with your advisor. Test your laptop and the projector a few days before your talk and arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled time slot or the first talk of the LKN seminar as you are encouraged to listen to the talks of your colleagues as well.

Duration of Kick-Off presentation: 5 min

Duration of final presentations:

  • Master's Thesis: 20 minutes
  • Bachelor's Thesis: 15 minutes
  • IDP: 15 minutes
  • Research Internship / Forschungspraxis: 15 minutes

In the Kick-Off Presentation you should motivate and explain, which problem you are going to solve, which steps towards the solution you are planning to take (rough timeplan), and which findings you are expecting. The Kick-Off presentation typically takes place in one of our research team meetings.

In the Final Presentation you should present your work and the achieved results in detail. Important steps include the motivation, exact problem formulation, starting points, aproach, used methods, systems and literature, achieved goals, results and their evaluation. Final presentations are given during the LKN seminar that is typically being held on Tuesdays at 13:15.

For Master's Thesis, as well as for external Bachelor's Thesis or Bachelor's Thesis in part time a Mid Term Presentation is mandatory (10 minutes) when you reached half of your work time, i.e., after 3 months with Master's Thesis. The Mid Term Presentation should contain a time plan for the remaining months.

We expect, in particular for final presentations, that you send your draft slides one week before your presentation to your supervisor so you can receive proper feedback on your presentation to make your presentation a success! Please make use of this also for your other presentations with us.

Make sure you stay in that time slot by practising your talk at home or with your advisor. In addition, 5-10 minutes will be reserved for discussion and questions after your talk.

Your presentation slides should be labeled accordingly (e.g. "Master's Thesis Final Presentation"), especially when using the chairs' and university's logos. You may use our templates for slides.