Title: Is URLLC dead?
Time: Wednesday 10.1.2024 at 10:30
Place: seminar room 1977
Speaker: Prof. Dr. James Gross (KTH Stockholm, Sweden)
Abstract: Driven by the push towards cyber-physical systems, the last decade has seen a major interest in low latency as (rediscovered) KPI of networking infrastructures. 5G URLLC, TSN, OPC-UA as well as MEC are technological incarnations of this development. However, despite much expectation over the last decade, none of the aforementioned technologies see large-scale commercial success today. Especially 5G URLLC is commercially non-existent, raising the inevitable question: Is URLLC dead? In this talk we discuss several causes for the current state around URLLC, holding valuable lessons for the development towards 6G. While fundamentally cyber-physical systems remain highly attractive as new application class, 6G network infrastructures will have to become more integrated, predictable, and adaptive to enable CPS at scale. AI will play a central role in this direction.