Communication Network Reliability
Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r) | |
Nummer | 0000000502 |
Art | Vorlesung mit integrierten Übungen |
Umfang | 4 SWS |
Semester | Sommersemester 2025 |
Unterrichtssprache | Englisch |
Stellung in Studienplänen | Siehe TUMonline |
Termine | Siehe TUMonline |
- 28.04.2025 13:15-14:45 0406, Seminarraum
- 28.04.2025 15:00-16:30 0406, Seminarraum
- 05.05.2025 13:15-14:45 0406, Seminarraum
- 05.05.2025 15:00-16:30 0406, Seminarraum
- 12.05.2025 13:15-14:45 0406, Seminarraum
- 12.05.2025 15:00-16:30 0406, Seminarraum
- 19.05.2025 13:15-14:45 0406, Seminarraum
- 19.05.2025 15:00-16:30 0406, Seminarraum
- 26.05.2025 13:15-14:45 0406, Seminarraum
- 26.05.2025 15:00-16:30 0406, Seminarraum
- 02.06.2025 13:15-14:45 0406, Seminarraum
- 02.06.2025 15:00-16:30 0406, Seminarraum
- 16.06.2025 13:15-14:45 0406, Seminarraum
- 16.06.2025 15:00-16:30 0406, Seminarraum
- 23.06.2025 13:15-14:45 0406, Seminarraum
- 23.06.2025 15:00-16:30 0406, Seminarraum
- 30.06.2025 13:15-14:45 0406, Seminarraum
- 30.06.2025 15:00-16:30 0406, Seminarraum
- 07.07.2025 13:15-14:45 0406, Seminarraum
- 07.07.2025 15:00-16:30 0406, Seminarraum
- 14.07.2025 13:15-14:45 0406, Seminarraum
- 14.07.2025 15:00-16:30 0406, Seminarraum
- 21.07.2025 13:15-14:45 0406, Seminarraum
- 21.07.2025 15:00-16:30 0406, Seminarraum
Siehe TUMonline
Anmerkung: TUMonline
Anmerkung: TUMonline
With this module, students gain an understanding of network reliability, and learn how to model and analyze connection availability and network reliability. Students also understand different protection and restoration techniques.
Introduction to network reliability and main concepts and parameters. Mathematical models (including failure and repair models). Basic span- and path- restoration techniques. Logical network design. Operational aspects of real-time restoration and self-organizing pre-planning against failures. Restoration in IP networks. Techniques for mesh-restorable networks. p-Cycles. Dual-failure restorability and availability in mesh networks.
Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen
The knowledge of following modules are recommended:
- Broadband Communication Networks
- Broadband Communication Networks
Lehr- und Lernmethoden
The following kinds of media are used:
- Presentations
- Lecture notes
- Exercises and solutions
- Presentations
- Lecture notes
- Exercises and solutions
Studien-, Prüfungsleistung
The module examination consists of a graded written exam of 90 minutes duration and an exercise on network reliability (simulation and analysis).
In the written exam students demonstrate by answering questions their theoretical knowledge of network reliability including the parameters, methodologies, and solutions. Students also demonstrate their ability to evaluate and analyse connection availiability and network reliability.
The capability for learning some particular topics more in detail will be examined through specific literature studies during the semester and the presentation of selected topics.
The final grade is composed of the following elements:
- 60% final exam
- 40% exercise of reliability.
In the written exam students demonstrate by answering questions their theoretical knowledge of network reliability including the parameters, methodologies, and solutions. Students also demonstrate their ability to evaluate and analyse connection availiability and network reliability.
The capability for learning some particular topics more in detail will be examined through specific literature studies during the semester and the presentation of selected topics.
The final grade is composed of the following elements:
- 60% final exam
- 40% exercise of reliability.
Empfohlene Literatur
The following books are recommended:
- “Mesh-based Survivable Networks: Options and Strategies for Optical, MPLS, SONET and ATM Networking ” by Wayne D. Grover
- “Reliability of Computer Systems and networks” by L. Shooman
- “Mesh-based Survivable Networks: Options and Strategies for Optical, MPLS, SONET and ATM Networking ” by Wayne D. Grover
- “Reliability of Computer Systems and networks” by L. Shooman