Our currently offered topics can be found on the following pages:
- Bachelor Theses
- Master Theses
- MSEI/MSCE Research Internships
- Interdisciplinary Projects (IDPs, as part of the Master’s of Informatics program)
- International Internships
- Student Jobs
Often, new topics are in preparation for being advertised, which are not yet listed here. Sometimes there is also the possibility to define a topic matching your specific interests. If you want to contribute to our work do not hesitate to contact one of our scientific staff members, who's work area matches your technical interests.
If you have general questions concerning a thesis at our chair or if you want to do an internship or a thesis in industry and look for supervision at TUM please contact Dr. Thomas Wild. Requests concerning external works should be accompanied by a topic description of 1-2 pages and should have a match with our research areas.