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ICMLA Best Paper Award

Gabor Balazs received the best paper award for presenting his work at the IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA). His paper titled "Neural Architecture Search for Automotive Grid Fusion Networks Under Embedded Hardware Constraints" authored by Gabor Balazs and…

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Best Paper Award at NORCAS 2020

Our paper "HyVE: A Hybrid Voting-based Eviction Policy for Caches" was awarded the Best Paper Award at NORCAS 2020. The paper is authored by Akshay Srivatsa, Sebastian Nagel, Nael Fasfous, Nguyen Anh Vu Doan, Thomas Wild, and Andreas Herkersdorf. It proposes a novel cache eviction method, which…

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Three new Staff Members at LIS

After finishing their master theses, three new staff members recently joined LIS and started working for their doctoral degrees. Lars Nolte and Tim Twardzyk will be active in a project targeting the optimization of on chip communication within multi- and manycore processor architectures by…

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Paper accepted at Color and Imaging Conference, CIC 2020

Traffic light classification is an important feature for automated driving, and it requires correct separation of the color signals. The authors Korbinian Weikl, Damien Schroeder, and Walter Stechele propose a suitable color distance metric and methods for optimization of the color separation.  …

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Three accepted Papers at NORCAS 2020

Three papers, authored solely by our team or in cooperation with industry partners, have been accepted for publication at NorCAS 2020: "HyVE: A Hybrid Voting-based Eviction Policy for Caches", by Akshay Srivatsa, Sebastian Nagel, Nael Fasfous, Nguyen Anh Vu Doan, Thomas Wild, and Andreas…

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HiPEAC Paper Award for MICRO 2019 Publication

Today we got informed that the Steering Committee of the HiPEAC (High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation) Network of Excellence awarded a HiPEAC Paper Award to our paper titled "SOSA: Self-Optimizing Learning with Self-Adaptive Control for Hierarchical System-on-Chip Management"…

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Paper presented at ICRA 2020

The paper titled "Binary DAD-Net: Binarized Driveable Area Detection Network for Autonomous Driving" has been presented at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2020). The paper was authored by Alexander Frickenstein, Manoj-Rohit Vemparala, Jakob Mayr, Naveen-Shankar…