
Two new papers accepted at the SAMOS 2019 Conference

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We got two papers addressing different aspects of manycore architectures accepted at SAMOS XIX, the 19th edition of the SAMOS Conference.

One of the accepted papers, authored by Akshay Srivatsa, Sven Rheindt, Dirk Gabriel, Thomas Wild and Andreas Herkersdorf, covers the memory architecture of tile-based manycore processors and is titled "CoD: Coherence-on-Demand – Runtime Adaptable Working Set Coherence for DSM-based Manycore Architectures". It extends our already published region-based cache coherence (RBCC) approach, which provides dynamically changeable coherence support in a tiled manycore processor architecture, and shows design and implementation details of the Coherency Region Manager, the major component to realize this property.

The second accepted paper is a cooperation of LIS with the Distributed Systems and Operating Systems Chair at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. It introduces "SHARQ: Software-Defined Hardware-Managed Queues for Tile-Based Manycore Architectures". The authors of this paper are Sven Rheindt, Sebastian Maier, Florian Schmaus, Thomas Wild, Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat and Andreas Herkersdorf. SHARQ is a queue that supports various inter-tile communication and synchronization tasks with appropriate hardware assistance, however, can easily be created in a software program.

SAMOS stands for the "International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, MOdeling and Simulation" and takes place every year on the Greek island of Samos, this time from July 7 till 11, 2019. More information on the conference can be found on