
LIS organized SelPhyS 2019, the workshop on "Self-Awareness in Cyber-Physical Systems"

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On April 15 and 16, 2019 we organized SelPhyS 2019, the 4th edition of the workshop on applying self-awareness in the design of embedded and cyber-physical systems, in the Theresianum on the TUM City Campus.

The concept of self-awareness is currently a hot research topic in many technical domains. The idea is to equip systems with this property so that they are enabled to adapt at runtime to errors or other unforeseen operating conditions and thus to increase dependability. The principle is adopted from biology and is more and more transferred to technical systems of various application domains.

SelPhyS 2019 attracted researchers from 7 countries (Austria, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States) to discuss both basic concepts of self-awareness as well as its application in different domains. The technical sessions covered self-awareness fundamentals, on-chip resource management, socio-psychologically inspired aspects, embedded artificial intelligence and the applicaton of self-awareness in the Internet of things (IoT).

Two further highlights of the workshop were the keynote talks of Prof. Gordon Cheng (TUM) on "Realising self-organising robot skin" and of Prof. Andrew Tyrrell (University of York) on "Bio-inspired hardware for self-aware architectures and robots: knobs and monitors". The workshop program is still available on the workshop home page

We are grateful for the sponsorship by Huawei and TUM Graduate School. Especially the support by TUM GS enabled participation of TUM GS doctoral candidates at no charge.

Many thanks to the authors for their interesting presentations and to the participants for the inspiring discussions.