Welcome to the Chair of Integrated Systems!
Investment in microelectronics research is critical to maintaining competitiveness on a global scale and driving progress in many areas of society. Smart phones, medical surveillance equipment, advanced driver assistance systems in the automotive industry, and smart manufacturing / industrial automation are just a few examples of the many domains that rely on microelectronic components for digital information processing, data storage, and communications engineering. Thus, integrated hardware/software systems are the foundation of our modern information society.
At the Chair of Integrated Systems, we conduct research and develop prototypes for new architectures, accelerators, hardware assists, and design methods. Our goal is to enhance the performance, energy efficiency, safety, and complexity governance of application domain-specific multi-processor system-on-chip (MPSoC) solutions. To tackle complex real-world problems, we rely on a platform-centric SoC methodology that maximizes the reuse of standard components while selectively enhancing, adding and augmenting some of them.
Our scientific findings are presented at leading international conferences and published in respected journals. In addition to publishing our research, we prioritize the development of prototype demonstrators using FPGA technology. We work closely with industry partners to transfer our results and facilitate the practical application of our research.
Feel free to visit the following project pages to obtain an overview on our research activities, teaching offerings and opportunities for collaboration, either as an industry partner, student intern or potential future member of our scientific staff. In case of questions, my team and I are happy to provide more information.
Andreas Herkersdorf
Our teaching program includes a variety of lectures and labs aimed at providing students with a strong foundation in digital circuit design and integrated systems. Our offerings include:
- Basics of Digital Circuit Design
- Hardware/Software Codesign
- Multiprocessor System-on-Chip Platforms
- Application-Specific Integrated Systems Lab
- Hardware Description and System Modeling Language Labs
These courses are designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to tackle complex problems in a wide range of technical domains. For a complete listing of our teaching offerings, please visit our teaching related web page (here).
Our research portfolio addresses both long-term and midterm horizons and is supported by public funding organizations as well as industry partners. A list of our current projects can be found below. Our research addresses the following areas:
- Domain-specific Architectures for Multicore System-on-Chip (MPSoC)
- Loosely-Coupled Accelerators and Hardware Assists for MPSoC
- Hardware/Software Codesign for OS-Offloads
- Smart Network Interface Units for high data rate packet pre-processing and steering
- Resilient and Real-Time capable Network-on-Chip (NoC) Topologies
- Rule-Based Reinforcement- and CNN Machine Learning Methods
- Safe and Secure Memory Hierarchies and Near Memory Acceleration
- FPGA Prototyping
Past and current research accomplishments are being showcased in the LIS Demo Room. Please do see the following webpage (here) for a more detailed coverage on our research projects and demos.