Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Diepold

Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung
Arcisstraße 21
80333 München

Tel.: +49 (0)89 289 23602
Fax.: +49 (0)89 289 23600
Raum: Z948

 Personal Information


Master's Thesis, Aktuelles, Manuel Lengl, Stefan Röhrl |

Vorträge am 26.01.2024

Abschlussseminar am Freitag, den 26.01.2024 um 10:00 Uhr via Zoom     1. Analysis of Homomorphic Encryption using Federated Learning…

IDP, Master's Thesis, Aktuelles, Ingenieurpraxis, Alice Hein, Stefan Röhrl |

Vorträge am 12.01.2024

Abschlussvorträge am Freitag, den 12.01.2024 um 13:00 Uhr via Zoom 1. Foundation Models for Person Detection MA Vortragende/r: Martin Zimmermann…

Aktuelles, offen, Forschungspraxis |

Forschungspraxis bei fortiss

nähere Infos + Kontakt: siehe pdf

IDP, Aktuelles, Philipp Paukner |

IDP Video Bitstream Parser

The Chair of Data Processing (Department of Computer Engineering, CIT) offers an IDP in which a bitstream parser for encoded video is to be…

Aktuelles, offen, Stefan Röhrl |

New Daedalus 2.0 Hands-On Workshops | Cloud and Cyber Security

Prepare to embark on an exciting journey with Daedalus 2.0 Hands-On Workshops, where the realms of Cloud Application and Cyber Security converge! Join…

Aktuelles, Jobs |

Tutor Position - 3D Printing

The tutoring team of the Daedalus project is looking for reinforcement for the winter semester to set up and deliver 3D Printing workshops.

Master's Thesis, Aktuelles, Luca Sacchetto |

Forschungspraxis: Offline Reinforcement Learning for Drone Control

Do you like Machine Learning and Reinforcement Learning? Do you like to work with real Hardware?  Than this research internship is for you. You'll…

Master's Thesis, Aktuelles, Luca Sacchetto |

Masterarbeit: Snapping GenAI back to reality - the "Halluciantions" Phenomenon

Generative Modelle wie Transformers [1], Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) [2] und Diffusionsmodelle [3] sind in den letzten Jahren immer mehr…

Master's Thesis, Aktuelles, Luca Sacchetto |

Masterarbeit: Können Generative Modelle 3D drucken ?

Generative Modelle wie Transformers [1] und Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) [2] sind in den letzten Jahren immer mehr ins Zentrum des…

Aktuelles, Jobs |

Tutor Position - 3D Printing

The tutoring team of the Daedalus project is looking for reinforcement for the winter semester to set up and deliver 3D Printing workshops.