Student Works

Many interesting topics for bachelor's and master's theses never make it to the website because they are already assigned beforehand. Therefore, please check which staff member is working on projects and supervising thesis work in the area that interests you the most, and inquire directly with him or her about current topics!

Important information about the application process can be found in the wiki.


For your written assignment as well as your presentation, you are welcome to use our templates. Both are based on the LaTeX typesetting system and help you achieve a neat and consistent appearance for your work.

You can find them in the wiki: Bachelor's Thesis, Research Internship, Master's Thesis

List of available topics and presentation dates

Master's Thesis, Martin Rothbucher |

Robotic Gaze Control using Reinforcement Learning

This thesis examines how adaptive control can learn to point a camera at the active speaker in a conversation. A motivating scenario for this problem…