Daedalus Workshops

  • Arduino Workshops
  • 3D Druck Workshops
  • Python Workshops
  • Introduction to Professional Software Development

Python Workshops

Dozent: David Fresacher / Luca Sacchetto
Kontakt: py.ldv@xcit.tum.de
Zielgruppe: -
Umfang: Hands-On Workshop Programm
Turnus: Sommersemester & Wintersemester
Anmeldung: wiki.tum.de/display/ldvpython
Zeit & Ort: Do, 17:00 - 19:00, online
Beginn: Mai 2024



3D-Druck Workshops

Dozent: David Fresacher / Luca Sacchetto
Kontakt: 3d.ldv@xcit.tum.de
Zielgruppe: -
Umfang: Hands-On Workshop Programm
Turnus: Sommersemester & Wintersemester
Anmeldung: wiki.tum.de/display/ldv3ddruck
Zeit & Ort: Di und Do, 17:30 - 19:30, -1981
Beginn: Anfang Mai 2024



Introduction to Professional Software Development

Dozent: Lukas Bernhard / Manuel Lengl
Kontakt: software.ldv@xcit.tum.de
Zielgruppe: -
Umfang: Hands-On Workshop Programm
Turnus: Sommersemester & Wintersemester
Anmeldung: TUMOnline
Zeit & Ort: Mi, 17:00 - 19:00, Z995
Beginn: Findet bis auf weiteres nicht statt


In the workshop different aspects of professional software development will be covered. General software principles like designing, versioning, testing and clean coding will be handled in the first part. The second part will cover methods for working together with multiple developers on a software project. This part includes topics like agile software development and extreme programming methods (pair programming, mob programming, code review, etc.)

The goal is to prepare the students for working on software projects in companies. This includes coding concepts and principles, but also strategies to be successful and productive inside of a team. The course will be mainly based on practical hands-on work where the students work individually or in groups towards the implementation of these topics.


Arduino Microcontroller Workshops

Dozent: David Fresacher / Luca Sacchetto
Kontakt: arduino.ldv@xcit.tum.de
Zielgruppe: -
Umfang: Hands-On Workshop Programm
Turnus: Sommersemester & Wintersemester
Anmeldung: wiki.tum.de/display/ldvarduino
Zeit & Ort: Di, 17:00 - 19:00, Z995
Beginn: Findet bis auf weiteres nicht statt