Abschlussvorträge am 06.12.2024 um 09:00 Uhr via Zoom
1. Transformer-based Inner Speech Recognition from EEG Data MA Vortragende/r: Ragshanan Ragunathan Betreuer:in: Marisa Ripoll
2. CellGate - Imaging Cytometry Gating Interface BA Vortragende/r: Florian Grabmeier Betreuer:in: Stefan Röhrl
3. Sentiment Analysis and Visualization of Song Lyrics using Deep Learning and Natural Language…
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Abschlussvorträge am 15.11.2024 um 09:00 Uhr via Zoom
1. Exploring and Comparing Frame Selection Methods in Action Recognition BA Vortragende/r: Liting Luo Betreuer:in: Philipp Paukner
2. Entwicklung von einem Trace Logger und Signal Poller IP Vortragende/r: Aru Baran Betreuer:in: Esprit GmbH München
3. Data Analysis, Automation of alarms & manual interventions reports generation,…
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Our latest paper about our lecture "Kompter & Creativität" was selected for the Best Paper Award at the IEEE German Education Conference 2024.
We at the Chair for Data Processing (1) and our collaborators from the Heinz Nixdorf-Chair of Mathematics Education (2) and ProLehre | Media and Didactics (3) are very happy about this successful interdisciplinary work.
Special thanks also go to Karin…
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The Chair of Data Processing (Department of Computer Engineering, CIT) offers an IDP in which a bitstream parser for encoded video is to be implemented in order to extract information such as motion, DCT coefficients etc.
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