
On June 4/5, 2021 the IEEE CSS Workshop "Control for Societal-Scale Challenges: Roadmap 2030" organized by Anuradha Annaswamy (MIT), George Pappas (UPenn), and Kalle Johansson  (KTH) took place, see also Together with Aaron Ames…

On June 7, 2021 Sandra Hirche gave an invited talk titled “To Sample or not to Sample? - Efficient Online Learning in Closed Loop Control Systems" at the 3rd Annual Learning for Dynamics & Control Conference, see also . The recording of the talk (and other invited talks) can…

On 19.05.2021 Hendrik Börner successfully defended his PhD thesis "Human Impendance Control during Physical lnteraction“ . Congratulations!

Please welcome our new PhD candidate Jessica Peters in our ITR team. She started this week and her office will be temporary in the Seaclear Lab Room.

Please welcome our new PhD candidate Hossein Kaviani Rad in our ITR team. He starts today and his office will be temporary in our seminar room.

We would like to welcome Giulio Evangelisti who started at ITR on 1st January as PhD candidate. Welcome at ITR!

On 11.12.2020 Thomas Beckers successfully defended his PhD thesis "Gaussian Process based Modeling and Control with Guarantees" . Congratulations!

Dr.-Ing. Jonas Umlauft got the Kurt Fischer Award 2020 for his dissertation “Safe Learning Control for Gaussian Process Models“ on 13.12.2020. Congratulations!