During the ceremony on the day of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at 7.11.14 Dr. Adam Molin will get the Kurt-Fischer-Award for his PhD Thesis „Optimal Event-triggered Control with Communication Constraints“.
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Here you can find the presentation and papers of the talk by Prof. Baras with the title "Distributed Learning in Collaborative Control and Decision Making".
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On Friday, 17th October 2014, at 2 p.m., Ziyang Meng will give a talk in the ITR seminar room (S4533) with the title “Agreement seeking of multi-agent systems: the role of global information and the influence of antagonistic interactions”.
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During his visit, Prof. Findeisen will give a talk on Friday, 10th October 2014, at 10 a.m. in the ITR seminar room (S4533) with the title “Predictive Control: path following, fast solutions and code generation”
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