
We would like to welcome Armin Lederer, a new team member at ITR, who starts on June 1st. His office is N3503. Please also welcome Pouya Mahdavipour who will visit us as part of the oCPS program of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action for 3 months. His office is N2512. Yongxu He, a PhD candidate from…

Armin Lederer has received the Kurt-Fischer-Award for his Master thesis "Data-Driven Approaches to Model Predictive Control". The thesis work was done at the Chair for Information-oriented Control under the supervision of Jonas Umlauft and Sandra Hirche. We congratulate to this achievement!

Prof. Jay A. Farrell from the University of California will give a seminar with the title "Reliably Accurate State Estimation for Autonomous Highway Vehicles" at 10 am in the seminar room N0507. Everybody is kindly invited. Abstract: Accurate and reliable awareness of world interactions is a key…

The LSR/ITR exam inspection will finally take place on thursday, 19.04.2018 starting at 15:00 in N0507.

The End-of-semester Labtour for students starts on Tuesday, 06.02.2018, at 2:30 pm in N1189 (Theresienstr. 90, N1 Building). Every student is welcome to join.

On 27. October 2017 Dominik Sieber successfully defended his PhD thesis „Human interaction with a team of multiple cooperating robots“. Congratulations!

The 4th WEARHAP Review Meeting will be held on November 8-10th, 2017 at ITR.

Until further notice the postal address of the ITR is: Technische Universität München Theresienstr. 90 80333 München