Yota Oppata, a student from Prof. Yano’s Mechatronics Lab from the Graduate School of Engineering, Mie University in Japan is visiting us from September until end of this year.
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TUM-IAS Hans Fischer Senior Fellow Prof. Baras from the University of Maryland will visit ITR again on October 5th. The purpose of his visit are joint research discussions.
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It will take place on 2nd October at 10:00 am in the LSR seminar room N2520.
Title of the talk is "Robotic path following using vector fields".
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It will take place at 10:30 am in the LSR seminar room N2520. Title of the talk is „ Performance Analysis of Cooperative Visual Feedback Control for Uncertain Target Motion Tracking in 3-Dimensional Space”.
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Professor Jerome Le Ny from Polytechnique Montreal (Canada) has been awarded the prestigious Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers and will spend his sabbatical at our Chair from September 3, 2018 on.
More information about his research you find under…
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Assistant Professor Junya Yamauchi from the Fujita group at Tokyo Institute of Technology (TITech), Department of Systems and Control Engineering, will visit our Chair from August 20 to December 7, 2018.
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