
Talk by Prof. Ivana Palunko on 15.07.2019

Prof. Palunko is giving a talk next Monday, 15.07.2019, at 14:00 in LSR seminar room N2520. Everybody is kindly invited.

Title: Adaptive Optimal Control in Cooperative and Decentralized Systems


Heterogeneous robot cooperation, robot manipulation of various objects, networked control systems in smart cities, path planning for heterogeneous robots in dynamic environments are examples of systems where adaptive optimal control can be successfully employed. In this talk, problems and results of these algorithms will be presented which enabled these systems to adapt to changing environments while maintaining the sub-optimal performance. Current research activities related to these topics will be presented.

CV: Ivana Palunko, is an assistant professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Dubrovnik. She earned her Ph.D. in 2012 in Controls Systems from University of New Mexico, USA under supervision of prof. Rafael Fierro. From 2012 until 2014 she was a postdoctoral researcher in the Research Centre for Advanced Cooperative Systems (ACROSS) at the Department of Control and Computer Engineering, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER). In 2013/2014 she was a visiting researcher at Information-oriented Control, TU Muenchen, Germany under supervision of prof. Sandra Hirche. Her main research interests are in modeling and control of rotary wing aerial vehicles, robust and adaptive control, optimal control and reinforcement learning, decentralized control of multiagent systems.