
Dr. Robert Fuchs at ITR on June, 13th

Dr. Robert Fuchs, Director of Technology and Innovation Robert Fuchs, will give a presentation with the title"Detection of the Driver Hands on and off the Steering Wheel for ADAS and Automated Driving". It will take place at the ITR seminar room at 2:15 pm.


Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) are systems which help the driver in the driving process. The system increases car and road safety when designed with an appropriate human-machine interface. Automated driving (AD) is the ultimate automation level where the human driver is relaxed from his primary task. Regulation evolution is required for providing a common and safe technical framework for the development of these systems. Because it is currently the most reliable indicator of the driver ability to control his vehicle, detection of the driver hand(s) on the steering wheel is one of the necessary enabler for safe operation and smooth transition between control modes. Most publications this subject reflect the addition of a dedicated sensor on the steering wheel, which cause an increase of complexity and cost of both the product hardware and software. The detection of the hands on the steering wheel proposed is an add-on software function that can be implemented in the ECU of an electric power steering (EPS). It relies on the available sensors only of any mass produced EPS and requires no hardware modification. The detection is sensitive, fast and reliable. Tuning is straightforward with three physically meaningful parameters. The proposed model-based approach (extended state-space observer) does not rely on any loose assumption. The problem is elegantly formulated resulting in a simple linear observer that generates minimum computing load.

Short bio:

Dr. Fuchs received the B.S. degree from the École d’Ingénieurs de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland, in 1993, and the M.S. degree from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1997. He joined JTEKT Corporation, Nara, Japan,in 2000. He conducted his Ph.D. research on the control of a continuous variable transmission in collaboration with EPFL from 2002 to 2006. He has led several research projects about modeling and control of driveline components and steering systems. Since 2012, he has been the Director of Technology and Innovation with the Research and Development Center, JTEKT Corporation, Paris, France, where he is leading the EU Representative Office.