SeaClear Wins Best EU Project Award from Jutarnji List in Croatia
The SeaClear project, in which our Chair of Information-oriented control is a partner, WON the first place in the category ‘Contribution to Education, Science and Innovation’ at the award ceremony for the best EU projects as part of the Days of Regional Development and EU Funds, which took place from 4th to 6th December 2024, in Šibenik, Croatia.
The Prefect of Dubrovnik-Neretva, Nikola Dobroslavić, received the award on behalf of the University of Dubrovnik, the SeaClear project partner.
Congratulations to the SeaClear team!
For more details, visit LARIAT-University of Dubrovnik
Sandra Hirche selected as Distinguished Lecturer within the IEEE Women in Engineering
Sandra Hirche has been selected as Distinguished Lecturer in the IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE). The mission of the IEEE Women in Engineering Distinguished Lecturers Program (virtual) is to help enhance the professional knowledge and vitality of IEEE Women in Engineering members by apprising them of the latest industry trends, research results, and their practical applications. The Distinguished Lecturers Program highlights IEEE WIE’s partnership with the Societies/Council Program. See https://wie.ieee.org/about/wie-committee/ieee-wie-distinguished-lecturers-program/ for more details.
Chorafas Prize for Dr.Ing. Armin Lederer
We are happy to announce that Dr.Ing. Armin Lederer got the prestigious dissertation award from the Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation for his PhD thesis "Gaussian Processes in Control: Performance Guarantees through Efficient Learning".
The Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation awards scientific prizes for an outstanding thesis in the engineering sciences, medicine and the natural sciences.
Plenary Talk Sandra Hirche BioRob 2024
Prof. Sandra Hirche gave a Plenary Talk at IEEE RAS EMBS 10th International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2024) that took place from 1-4 September 2024 in Heidelberg, Germany with around 600 attendees See also https://www.biorob2024.org/.
Title of her Plenary Talk was "Personalized Control for Neurorehabilitation“. Here you can find more info regarding the invited speaker https://www.biorob2024.org/invited-speakers/
Relai Scholarships for ITR PhDs
Tzu-Yuan Huang and Nicolas Hoischen have been offered full Relai Scholarships from Konrad Zuse School . ITR PhD candidate Max Beier has also become an associated member since May 2024. The vision of the 'Konrad Zuse School of Excellence in Reliable AI' (relAI) is to train future generations of AI experts. This program will educate our candidates in the end-to-end development of reliable AI systems. Here you can find more info about relAI! – Konrad Zuse School of Excellence in Reliable AI https://zuseschoolrelai.de/
Prof. Sandra Hirche awarded Heinz-Maier-Leibnitz Medal
The highest distinction at TUM, the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Medal, was awarded to Prof. Sandra Hirche by TUM vice president Prof. Gerhard Kramer. She received the honors on 7.12.2023 at the TUM Dies Academicus. Congratulations!
Sandra Hirche selected as Distinguished Lecturer in the IEEE Control Systems Society 2023
Sandra Hirche has been selected as Distinguished Lecturer in the IEEE Control Systems Society. The primary purpose of the Distinguished Lecturer Program is to help Society chapters provide interesting and informative programs for their members and other interested audience from academia and industry, see http://ieeecss.org/member-activities/distinguished-lecturer-program for more details.
Sandra Hirche gives IFAC World Congress Plenary Talk
Prof. Sandra Hirche was invited to give a plenary talk at the IFAC World Congress, the largest international conference in automation science and technologies with about 4000 attendees.
In her talk `Towards Trustworthy Data-driven Control’, she outlined current challenges and methods for applying machine learning technologies in safety-critical settings and where those come up in her group’s research on human rehabilitation and underwater robotics.
Keynote Speaker Sandra Hirche at MED 2022
Prof. Sandra Hirche was keynote speaker at the The 30th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation that took place in Greece from June 28 – July 1, 2022 . Title of her talk was “High performance control for robots in extreme environments. More info can be found here. https://www.med-control.org/med2022/keynote-speaker-sandra-hirche/
Plenary lecture by Sandra Hirche at CCC 2022
Prof. Sandra Hirche gave a plenary lecture "Personalized robotic rehabilitation and assistance - a controls perspective" at the Chinese Control Conference 2022 (virtual). The main topic was on learning-based control with performance and safety guarantees for highly uncertain systems with particular focus on challenges arising from personalized rehabilitation and assistance, see also https://ccc2022-en.ustc.edu.cn/jzbg/list.htm .
Plenary lecture by Sandra Hirche at ECC 2022
Prof. Sandra Hirche gave a plenary lecture "Control for personalized robotic rehabilitation and assistance" at European Control Conference 2022 in London. The main topic was on learning-based control with performance and safety guarantees for highly uncertain systems with particular focus on challenges arising from personalized rehabilitation and assistance.
Best paper award at IECBES for Hossein Kavianirad
Hossein Kavianirad got the best paper award for the paper „EMG-Based Volitional Torque Estimation in Functional Electrical Stimulation Control“ at the 7th IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES 2022), in the session Biomedical Signal Processing. Congratulations!
Seaclear project wins IAPH sustainability award
Every year, the International Association of Ports and Harbours, accepts nominations for awards in selected categories of projects supporting its World Port Sustainability Program. The nominations can come from member ports and harbours and can be on several related categories such as 'infrastructure', 'digitalization', or 'climate and energy'. This year, the SEACLEAR project was short-listed for the award in the 'Environmental care' category by a jury, with the final vote being left to the public. The results of the final vote were announced during the Gala of the annual World Ports Conference, which was hosted by the port of Vancouver this year. SEACLEAR has been the favourite project in the 'Environmental Care' category among the public votes, and won the 2022 sustainability award in this category!
For more details see:
PhD thesis Award for Dr.-Ing. Selma Music
Selma Music Dr.-Ing. Selma Music received the PhD thesis Award of "Bund der Freunde der TUM" for her dissertation “Shared Control for Human–Robot Team Interaction.
Rohde & Schwarz PhD thesis Award for Dr.-Ing. Thomas Beckers
On 22.12.2021, Dr.-Ing. Thomas Beckers received the Rohde & Schwarz PhD thesis Award for his dissertation “Gaussian Process based Modeling and Control with Guarantees“.
Eurotech Postdoc Fellowship Award for Junjie Jiao
ITR member Junjie Jiao has been awarded with the Eurotech Postdoc Fellowship on the topic of "Distributed data-driven control of networked multi-agent systems with guarantees“. The two-year project will be hosted at ITR and performed in collaboration with Prof. Colin Jones from Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).
Kurt Fischer Award for Jonas Umlauft
Dr.-Ing. Jonas Umlauft got the Kurt Fischer Award 2020 for his dissertation “Safe Learning Control for Gaussian Process Models“ on 13.12.2020.
Sandra Hirche awarded with prestigious ERC Proof of Concept Grant
Prof. Sandra Hirche has been awarded with the prestigious ERC Proof of Concept Grant. ERC Proof of Concept Grant are meant to support the translation of fundamental results achieved into a commercial or socially valuable proposition, i.e. the initial steps of pre-competitive development. Only ERC grantees are eligible to apply.
In her ERC Proof of Concept project "con-PDmode" Sandra Hirche and her team will deliver a software prototype for control-oriented modelling and estimation of Parkinson’s disease symptoms based on low-cost wearable sensors that are transparent and platform agnostic. It will exploit the research results from her ERC Starting Grant "Control based on Human Models".
Sandra Hirche elevated to IEEE Fellow
Prof. Sandra Hirche has been elevated to IEEE Fellow for her scientific contributions to human-machine interaction and networked control (effective Jan 1, 2020).
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is an international professional association of engineers in the fields of electrical engineering and information technology based in New York City. It creates an environment in which its members develop world changing technology – from computer science and sustainable energy systems through aeronautics and astronautics to telecommunications, robotics and medical technology.
The IEEE Grade of Fellow is the highest level of membership recognizing the professional achievements of IEEE members and is conferred on the basis of nomination by existing Fellows and subsequent approval by the Board of Directors. See www.tum.de/en/about-tum/awards-and-honors/ieee-fellows/ for the list of IEEE Fellows at TUM.
Sandra Hirche awarded with prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant
Prof. Sandra Hirche has been awarded with the prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant. ERC grants is a highly competitive funding line by the European Commission. ERC Consolidator Grant are open to researchers with between seven and 12 years' experience since completion of a doctorate and can receive up to 2 million euros in funding.
In her ERC project "CO-MAN" Sandra Hirche will develop fundamentally novel approaches for safe data-driven control for human-centric systems bridging gap between rigorous control and flexible machine learning techniques. She has already been awarded an ERC Starting Grant in 2013.
"2018 Outstanding Student Paper Award of IEEE CDC" for ITR publication
The paper "An Uncertainty-Based Control Lyapunov Approach for Control-Affine Systems Modeled by Gaussian Process", co-authored by Jonas Umlauft, Lukas Pöhler, and Sandra Hirche, received the 2018 Outstanding Student Paper Award of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, the flagship conference of the Control System Society.
Jakob Fröhner Young Author Paper Award Finalist at IFAC CPHS conference for ITR publication
The paper “A virtual embodiment paradigm in evaluation of human-in-the-loop control” co-authored by Philipp Beckerle, Satoshi Endo and Sandra Hirche has been selected as one of the four finalists at the 2nd IFAC conference on Cyber-Physical & Human Systems (CPHS) 2018 in Miami, USA.
Poster Paper Award at Chinese Control Conference 2018
The paper entitled “Bounded Consensus of Linear Multi-Agent Systems with External Disturbances Through a Reduced-Order Adaptive Feedback Protocol” authored by Xianwei Li and Sandra Hirche received the SCIS-CCC Poster Paper Award at the Chinese Control Conference in Wuhan/China in July, 2018. The paper was selected among more than 800 candidates.
Walter Gademann Preis 2018 for Melanie Kimmel
Dr.-Ing. Melanie Kimmel has received the Walter Gademann Preis 2018 for her Dissertation“ Constrained Nonlinear Control for Safe Human-Robot Interaction“ on 9.11.2018.
Armin Lederer has received the Kurt-Fischer Award for his Master thesis at ITR
Armin Lederer got the Kurt-Fischer Award for his Master thesis "Data-driven approaches to model predictive control" in May 2018 erhalten. Jonas Umlauft and Prof. Sandra Hirche were the supervisors.
Best Student Paper Award Finalist at WODES 2018
The paper entitled “LQG Control via Wireless Sensor Networks with Minimal Power” authored by Touraj Soleymani, Sandra Hirche and John S. Baras has been selected as finalist for the Best Student Paper Award at the 14th Workshop on Discrete Event Systems at Sorrento Coast in Italy in 2018.
Best Conference Paper Award - Finalist and Best Paper Award on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) - Finalist
Paper entitled “Estimating unknown object dynamics in human-robot manipulation tasks” authored by Denis Cehajic, Pablo Dohmann, and Sandra Hirche has been awarded the Best Conference Paper Award - Finalist and the Best Paper Award on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) - Finalist at the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) in Singapore.
Prof. Hirche member of The European Academy of Sciences and Arts
Prof. Sandra Hirche has become a member of The European Academy of Sciences and Arts. The official announcement will take place in March 2015. The focus of the Academy is on interdisciplinary discussion across specialist areas, ideologies and scientific cultures as well as promoting transnational dialog and visionary developments of new scientific knowledge and academic thinking. You will find more information about The European Academy of Sciences and Arts here.
Best Cognitive Robotics Paper - Finalist for Denis Cehajic
Denis Cehajic got the Finalist Best Cognitive Robotics Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) in 2014.
Kurt-Fischer-Award for Adam Molin's PhD Thesis
Dr.-Ing. Adam Molin got the Kurt-Fischer-Award for his PhD Thesis „Optimal Event-triggered Control with Communication Constraints“ in November 2014 from EIKON e.V.
Dominik Sieber finalist for ECC 2014 Best Student Paper Award
Dominik Sieber is one of the finalists for the Best Student Paper Award of the 13th European Control Conference (ECC). The award for the paper titled “Uncontrollability of Controlled Consensus Networks characterized by Faria Vectors” (co-author Prof. Sandra Hirche) has been presented to Dominik Sieber on June 26th, 2014 in Strasbourg (France).
Best Paper Award for Frederik Deroo and Prof. Sandra Hirche
Frederik Deroo and Prof. Sandra Hirche were awarded the Best Paper Award 2013 for the journal paper"A MATLAB Toolbox for Large-Scale Networked Systems" in the tools category of the journal at-Automatisierungstechnik.
Best Student Paper Award Finalist and Best Application Paper Finalist at IROS 2012
For the paper titled “6D Workspace Constraints for Physical Human-Robot Interaction Using Invariance Control with Chattering Reduction" Melanie Kimmel got the Best Student Paper Award of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2012 in Vilamoura, Portugal. This paper was also awarded as Best Application Paper Finalist for Melanie Kimmel, Martin Lawitzky and Prof. Sandra Hirche.