EEG Laboratory
The EEG laboratory is dedicated for Brain-Computer Interface research (Stefan Ehrlich and Nicolas Berberich) and for research on human-robot interaction in social robotics.
In the current setting we use the following equipment:
- ActiChamp EEG system (BrainProducts) with 64 active gel-based electrodes
- actiCAP Xpress (BrainProducts) system: vAmp16 + 16 active dry electrodes
- Sensors for psychophysiological measures: GSR-Sensor (skin conductance), Respiration Belt (respiration rate and volume), Blood Pulse Sensor (heart rate)
- Emotiv EPOC EEG system with 14 dry electrodes
- E-Healt Sensor Platform V2.0 for measurement of periferal physiological signals (heart-rate, GSR, etc.)
- SMI eyetracking glasses
- Unicorn Hybrid Black (g.tec) EEG system: 8 dry electrodes
- Smarting (mBrainTrain) EEG system: 24 gel-based electrodes
- Delsys Trigno EMG system, 2 Trigno Quattro sensors (4ch) and 1 Trigno Avanti sensor (1ch)