Dr. John Nassour shared exceptional insights at IEEE RoboSoft Conference on "Multi-Sensory Fusion of Wearable Sensors for Automatic Grasping and Releasing with Soft-Hand Exoskeleton" and "Dynamic model of an online programmable textile soft actuator", congratulations!
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The STROLL project aims to develop a pair of pants that feel like regular clothing but contain powerful actuators and sensors to help people walk again after a stroke or spinal cord injury.
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An MSNE student team produced a documentary movie called "Neurofutures" which will be publicly shown on April 18th 2023, 20:00, N 1179, Wilhelm-Nusselt-Hörsaal (0101.02.179)
We welcome you to join them in their public viewing - free entry.
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Congratulations to the authors of the paper "Printed Silk Microelectrode Arrays for Electrophysiological Recoding and Controlled Drug Delivery" which is now published.
The paper describes novel silk-based microelectrode arrays (MEA) that are both soft and ultraflexible. The MEA is a sandwich…
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