Physical Design for Microfluidic Large-Scale Integration with Partitioning and Floorplanning
DFG Research Grant (since 2023)
- Exploration of mLSI design partitioning and floorplanning to solve the physical design problem in a hierarchical manner.
Bandwidth Maximization and Allocation for Wavelength-Routed Optical Networks-on-Chip (WRONoC)
DFG Research Grant (since 2023)
- WRONoC topology synthesis considering bandwidth maximization and allocation.
Design and Integration of Test Module for Microfluidic Large-Scale Integration (mLSI)
DFG Research Grant (since 2021)
- Design and integration of microfluidic test modules, as well as the synthesis of testable designs.
Combining Topology Synthesis and Physical Design for Wavelength-Routed Optical Networks-on-Chip (WRONoC) — Design Automation Using Physical Layout Templates
DFG Research Grant (since 2020)
- Development of comprehensive template-based design automation methods for wavelength-routed optical network-on-chip
Automatic Analysis of PCB Schematic Designs
Collaborative project with Huawei (16.11.2021-15.05.2022)
Netlist-driven Design of MEMS for Applications in Optics and Robotics (MEMS2015)
BMBF Collaborative Project (1.7.2012-30.06.2015)
- Structural analysis and sizing of MEMS
Methods for automatic optimization of analogue integrated circuits with regard to ageing
DFG Research Grant (01.02.2012-31.01.2015)
Design and Architectures of Dependable Embedded Systems (SPP1500)
DFG Priority Programme 1500 (01.2011-12.2015)
- Lifting Device-Level Characteristics for Error Resilient System Level Design: A Crosslayer Approach
Secure Systems by Seamless Verification (SANITAS)
BMBF Collaborative Project (01.10.2009-30.09.2012)
- Optimized Modeling of non-functional properties for TLM/TLM+ models (with Infineon Technologies)
Design of Robust Nano-Electronic Systems (ROBUST)
BMBF Cluster Project (01.04.2009-31.03.2012)
- Analysis methods for digital modules (with Infineon Technologies)
- Robustness optimization on gate level (with Infineon Technologies)
Highly Optimized Design Methods for Yield and Reliability (HONEY)
BMBF Collaborative Project (01.12.2007-30.11.2010)
- Tolerance Pareto Optimization (with MunEDA)
- Reliability analysis on gate level (with Infineon Technologies)
Technology based Modeling and Analysis at the 65-nm Node Considering Statistical Spreads (SIGMA65)
BMBF Collaborative Project (01.10.2006-31.12.2009)
- Statistical Static Timing Analysis (with Infineon Technologies)
Analog/Mixed-Signal Design for Test
Infineon Technologies (01.11.2006-31.10.2009)
Verification of Analog Circuits (VERONA)
BMBF Collaborative Project (01.06.2006-31.05.2009)
- Pareto Optimization (with MunEDA)
Structural Analysis of Analog Circuits (SAMS)
BMBF Cluster Project (01.11.2003-31.10.2006)
- Fast Evaluation of Structural Variants
Design and Design Methodology of Embedded Systems (SPP1040)
DFG Priority Programme 1040 (1997-2004)
- Simulation-based test design for mixed-signal systems
Analogue enhancements for a system to silicon automated design (ANASTASIA+)
BMBF Cluster Project (01.12.2000-31.12.2002)
- Sizing of Analog Circuits (with Infineon Technologies)