Maximilian Neuner and Helmut Graeb received the Best Paper Award 3rd place at the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and…
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Effective November 9, 2020, the Technical University of Munich has appointed Dr. Walter Weigel as Honorary Professor in the field of methods for…
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Dr. Xing Huang has been awarded an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers with the Chair of Electronic Design…
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Inga Abel received the 2020 Study Award of the SEW EURODRIVE Foundation 2020 for her MSc Thesis “Automatic Sizing of analog Operational Amplifiers…
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Dr. Sumana Ghosh was selected as one of 27 among 225 applicants for a DAAD PRIME Scholarship for a research proposal with a combined research stay at…
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The Institute for Advanced Studies of the Technical University of Munich awarded a Rudolf Diesel Industry Fellowship to Dr. Sani Nassif, CEO Radyalis…
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