Technical University of Munich
Informatics 6 - Associate Professorship of Cyber Physical Systems (Prof. Althoff)
Postal address
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München
Curriculum Vitae
Gerald Würsching joined the Cyber Physical Systems Group as a research assistant and PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Althoff in 2020. He recieved his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in mechanical engineering from the Technical University of Munich in 2017 and 2020, respectively. His research interests include techniques for safe and robust motion planning for autonomous vehicles.
Offered Student Projects
I am always looking for self-motivated students to solve interesting problems arising in my research areas. If you are interested in one of the currently available topics, simply send me an e-mail with your up-to-date CV and transcript of records attached.
Students from Informatics, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering are welcome to apply.
Currently available:
- [MA] - Deep Learning-Based High-Level Corridor Selection in Optimization-Based Motion Planning
- [HiWi] - Software Development for a Motion Planning Module on a Real Vehicle Using Autoware
- [BA] - Learning-Based Selection of Driving Corridors for Motion Planning
- [BA] - RRT*-based Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles with STL Specifications
- [MA] - Robust Optimization-Based Motion Planning Using Set-Based Driving Corridor Computation
- [MA] - Assessing Robustness of Driving Corridors According to Temporal Logic Specifications
- [BA] - Traffic Rule Monitoring for Discretization-Based Motion Planning
- [MA] - Design and Benchmarking of Sampling Methods and Steering Functions for Motion Planners Using Rapidly Exploring Random Trees
- [HiWi] - Safe Motion Planning Framework Based on CommonRoad and Autoware Platform
- [HiWi] - Software Development (Python/C++) for CommonRoad Motion Planning Tools
- [GR] - Improving Robustness of Coordinate Transformations for Curvilinear-based Motion Planners
- [MA] - Cooperative Motion Planning for Automated Vehicles using Reachable Sets
- [HiWi] - Coupling Autoware With The CommonRoad Motion Planning Framework
- [MA] - Specification-compliant Maneuver Extraction from Reachability Analysis of Automated Vehicles
- [HiWi] - Implementation of a Truck Vehicle Model in CommonRoad
- [MA] - Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles Using Rapidly Exploring Random Trees and Reachable Sets
- [HiWi] - C++ Software Development for CommonRoad Motion Planning Tools
Lecture - Foundations of Artificial Intelligence [WS21/22, WS22/23]
- Exercise Session: Intelligent Robots, Search, Constraint Satisfaction
- Programming Exercise: Search-based Motion Planning
Lecture - Gems of Informatics 2 [SS21, SS22]
- Lecture and Exercise Session: Autonomous Vehicles and Motion Planning
Practical Course - Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles [SS21, WS21/22, SS22, WS22/23, SS23, WS23/24, WS24/25]
Master Seminar - Cyber Physical Systems [SS21, WS21/22, SS23, SS24]