Mike Kosek, M.Sc.

E-Mail: | kosek[AT]in.tum.de |
Phone: | +49 89 289-18665 |
Office: | 01.05.038 |
Address: | TUM Department of Informatics Chair of Connected Mobility (I11) Boltzmannstr. 3 85748 Garching |
Research Interests
- Transport Protocols
- Congestion Control
- Internet Architecture
- Internet Measurements
Open Thesis Topics
If you are interested in one of the thesis topics, feel free to contact me for more details.
- No open topics atm
You can also contact me if you have a topic in mind that is not listed but aligns with my research area.
Other thesis and research topics are listed here.
Make sure to visit my Google Scholar, ORCID, and ResearchGate pages.
- Congestion-Responsive Queuing for Internet Flows. IEEE/IFIP NOMS. Ike Kunze, Constantin Sander, Mike Kosek, Lars Tissen, Jan Pennekamp, Klaus Wehrle
- On Cross-Layer Interactions of QUIC, Encrypted DNS and HTTP/3: Design, Evaluation and Dataset. IEEE TNSM. Jayasree Sengupta, Mike Kosek, Justus Fries, Simone Ferlin-Reiter, Vaibhav Bajpai
- Technische Mindestanforderungen Internetzugang - Mehrpersonenhaushalte (German only). Gutachten für die Bundesnetzagentur im Rahmen der Evaluation der TKMV. Gabriele Kulenkampff, Oliver Portugall, Klaus Dieter Hackbarth, Mike Kosek, Martin Ockenfels, Jörg Ott, Thomas Plückebaum, Gonzalo Zuloaga
- The Internet: Only for the Fast?. IAB Workshop on Barriers to Internet Access of Services. Jörg Ott, Giovanni Bartolomeo, Mert Mehmet Bese, Rohan Bose, Marcin Bosk, David Guzman, Ljubica Kärkkäinen, Mike Kosek, Nitinder Mohan, Dirk Trossen, Michael Welzl, Lucas Vogel
- Paper
- Evaluating DNS Resiliency and Responsiveness with Truncation, Fragmentation & DoTCP Fallback. IEEE TNSM. Pratyush Dikshit, Mike Kosek, Nils Faulhaber, Jayasree Sengupta, Vaibhav Bajpai
- Multipath Transport Analysis over Cellular and LEO Access for Aerial Vehicles. IEEE Access. Aygün Baltaci, Kaushik Chavali, Mike Kosek, Nitinder Mohan, Dominic Schupke, Jörg Ott
- ECN with QUIC: Challenges in the Wild. IMC 2023. Constantin Sander, Ike Kunze, Leo Blöcher, Mike Kosek, Klaus Wehrle
- Secure Middlebox-Assisted QUIC. IFIP Networking 2023. Mike Kosek, Benedikt Spies, Jörg Ott
- Web Privacy By Design: Evaluating Cross-layer Interactions of QUIC, DNS and H/3. IFIP Networking 2023. Jayasree Sengupta, Mike Kosek, Justus Fries, Pratyush Dikshit, Vaibhav Bajpai
- Evaluating DNS Resiliency with Truncation, Fragmentation and DoTCP Fallback. IFIP Networking 2023. Pratyush Dikshit, Mike Kosek, Nils Faulhaber, Jayasree Sengupta, Vaibhav Bajpai
- DNS Privacy with Speed? Evaluating DNS over QUIC and its Impact on Web Performance. IMC 2022. Mike Kosek, Luca Schumann, Robin Marx, Trinh Viet Doan, Vaibhav Bajpai
- Exploring Proxying QUIC and HTTP/3 for Satellite Communication. IFIP Networking 2022. Mike Kosek, Hendrik Cech, Vaibhav Bajpai, Jörg Ott
- Measuring DNS over TCP in the Era of Increasing DNS Response Sizes: A View from the Edge. ACM CCR April 2022. Mike Kosek, Trinh Viet Doan, Simon Huber, Vaibhav Bajpai
- One to Rule them All? A First Look at DNS over QUIC. PAM 2022. Mike Kosek, Trinh Viet Doan, Malte Granderath, Vaibhav Bajpai
- Beyond QUIC v1: A First Look at Recent Transport Layer IETF Standardization Efforts. IEEE COMMAG April 2021. Mike Kosek, Tanya Shreedhar, Vaibhav Bajpai