Student Jobs
Below, you can find a list of currently available student jobs.
We are always looking for tutors for our lectures and practical courses. Regularly offered courses:
- Übung zu Einführung in die Rechnerarchitektur (WiSe, Deutsch)
- Praktikum Rechnerarchitektur (WiSe und SoSe, Deutsch)
- Praktikum Aspekte der systemnahen Programmierung bei der Spieleentwicklung (WiSe, Deutsch)
- Parallel Programming (SoSe, English)
Applications: Tutortool - if a registration is not possible there, please contact the course organizer directly, we may have additional funding options.

This practical course is taught in German. German skills are a prerequisite for a tutor position.
Dieses Praktikum wird in Deutsch unterrichtet. Gute Deutschkenntnisse sind Voraussetzung für eine Tutorenstelle.
Wir suchen in jedem Semester Tutoren für die Durchführung der Praktika „Grundlagenpraktikum: Rechnerarchitektur“ (Sommer+Winter) und „Aspekte der systemnahen Programmierung“ (Winter).
Unsere Stellen haben folgende Vorteile:
- Flexible Arbeitsstunden
- Tutorenhonorar nach TUM-Tarif (Standardmäßig 10 Wochenstunden, verhandelbar)
- Mitverwendung des ERA-Tutorenraums
- Arbeit an hardwarenahen Themen
- Freundliche Kollegen
Das Aufgabenspektrum eines Tutors umfasst folgendes:
- Tutorübungen abhalten
- Mentoring für Projektgruppen
- Vorträge hören und evaluieren
- Projektabgaben korrigieren
Wir wünschen uns folgendes von dir:
- Verlässlichkeit
- Gute Deutschkenntnisse für Unterricht und Korrektur
- Fächer „Einführung in die Rechnerarchitektur“ sowie das Praktikum erfolgreich abgeschlossen
- Interesse am Thema
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung.
Kontakt: Anna Mittermair
Bewerbungen sind über das Tutortool oder per E-Mail an anna.mittermair(at) möglich.

We are searching for multiple tutors for the subject Parallel Programming in the every summer semester.
You gain the following:
- Flexible working hours
- Salary according to the "TUM-Tarif" (number of hours negotiable)
- Use of the tutor room subject to availability
- Interesting topics
- Friendly colleagues
Your tasks include:
- Help organize the (central/distributed) tutorial
- Participate in weekly Q&A sessions
- Supervise and grade exams
- Administrate server for programming exercises
We wish for:
- Reliability
- Completion of the lecture "Parallel Programming" or similar lectures with a good grade
Contact: Vincent Bode
Apply via the Tutortool or by e-mail to vincent.bode(at)
We are looking for a motivated HiWi student to support us with development of our tools with focus on HPC topologies and performance modelling and optimizations on CPUs and GPUs. For more details, please have a look at the personal page of Stepan Vanecek.
The work will revolve mainly around the following tools:
- sys-sage Library for capturing and manipulating hadrware topology of compute systems ( )
- GPUscout Tool for memory-related bottleneck analysis on GPUs ( )
- MemAxes Memory access visualisation tool ( )
These tools, and others from the ecosystem, are in an early stage of developement, so there are many exciting tasks to create/implement/try out, such as (not extensive list):
- extending our tools for GPUs and other modern heterogeneous architecture components,
- Extending the list of supported/integrated third-party tools for sys-sage
- Finding real-application (and benchmark-based) use-cases to showcase the functionality of the tools.
- Creating tutorials and writing documentation for sys-sage and GPUscout (+viz)
- Conducting measurements of GPUscout and mt4g (part of sys-sage) on different HPC hardware.
- Modernizing MemAxes GUI to reflect all new functionality.
We are looking for a motivated student with
- Good knowledge of C++ programming,
- Who is eager to learn and to try out working on a real research project,
- Who is able to work (to some degree) independently, and
- (preferably) Has some knowledge in Computer Architecture and/or Parallel Programming.
- Some of the tasks may include cooperation with other research institutes where communication with our partners may be necessary, other tasks will be done locally, so it is not a must.
In case of interest, feel free to get in touch with Stepan Vanecek( from the CAPS research group of Prof. Schulz.