Research paper by CAPS received the Hans Meuer Award

We are pleased to announce that the research paper by our team, “Time Series Mining at Petascale Performance”, is the winner of the Hans Meuer Award at ISC 2020 Digital.

This paper addresses the efficient mining of large scale time series datasets at a sustained Petascale throughput using HPC system: 1.3 Petaflop/s of performance was achieved using 86% of the resources of the SuperMUC-NG system at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre which is ranked 13 in Top500 list of June 2020. This work was developed as a part of our research project TurbO that is funded by the Bayerische Forschungsstiftung targeting the optimization of power generation facilities, namely the operation of heavy-duty gas turbines.

The Hans Meuer Award was introduced in the memory of the late Dr. Hans Meuer, the originator and general chair of the ISC conference from 1986 through 2014, and the co-founder of the Top500 project. This award is intended to honor the most outstanding research paper of the conference among the finalist papers, where finalist papers are selected in a double-blind review procedure among all the highly-competitive research papers submitted to the Research Paper Committee of International Supercomputing Conference. In the opening session of the conference Professor David Keyes, the Program Chair of ISC 2020, officially announced the two finalists for the Hans Meuer Award and stated that ISC-2020 awards the two finalists.


Links to the paper and the presentation.