
The award is issued by the CIT student body (Fachschaft) for the best compulsory lecture in the Bachelor’s programme. It is given for outstanding…

Wir laden Sie herzlich zur Lehrpreisvergabe im Rahmen des GarNix-Festivals ein. Die Verleihung findet am 19. Juni um 13:15 Uhr auf dem Vorplatz MI…


at the Central Institute for Scientific Computing in Erlangen

Steve Wolter from Munich branch of Google has given a lecture about Cloud Capacity Management on 22nd of January 2019 in the scope of Prof. Gerndt's…

Anshul Jindal to present the results of this study in April in Mumbai

he research stay focuses at the machine learning-based self-adaptive cloud

On September 26th, Prof. Schulz will give a keynote address at the annual EuroMPI conference in Barcelona, Spain entitled "A Case for More Adaptivity…