
The award is issued by the CIT student body (Fachschaft) for the best compulsory lecture in the Bachelor’s programme. It is given for outstanding…

Wir laden Sie herzlich zur Lehrpreisvergabe im Rahmen des GarNix-Festivals ein. Die Verleihung findet am 19. Juni um 13:15 Uhr auf dem Vorplatz MI…


The chairs for "Scientific Computing in Computer Science" and "Computer Architectures and Parallel Systems" offer a compact course on time…

on the topic "About novel time integration methods for weather and climate simulations"

Technologies for Efficient Fault Management towards Error-Resilient Electronic Systems

by M. Schreiber, N. Schaeffer and R. Loft published in Journal of Parallel Computing.

On February 19th, the ISC 2019 High Performance research paper committee met in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 17 out of 72 submissions were selected for…